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Monday, 5 January - link

Personal Filing: Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow is a brilliant sassy smart-mouthed writer whose devotes most his compulsive truth-telling to the better angels of the digital revolution. He fronts for the EFF, edits at BoingBoing, mentors writers, and still he's finished more books in the last 18 months than I may ever write in my life.

So immensely productive, and famously disciplined (I hear talk of him getting up before the sun to manage his daily hundreds of emails). I was curious how he managed his Personal Filing:

Here's the secret: email is a filesystem. It does version control (I sent my boss five drafts of the paper, each with notes about what had changed -- by pulling those emails out, I can diff the changes), archiving, metadata, etc.
cory's filing

Posted on 5 January 2004 : 15:12 (TrackBack)
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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.