Comments on sweaty rolling around smiling
commentson 24 April 2004 : 18:46, gabe sez:

as always, an interesting life you lead, justin.

commentson 24 April 2004 : 19:15, Mike B. sez:

I've been having trouble deciding between taking Karate or Aikido classes. I'd like to opt for the one that involves some fairly strenous physical trianing. Does Aikido have that?

It sounds like you kind of had a liberating "fight club" experience.

commentson 25 April 2004 : 00:09, alex sez:

you should really give the rock climbing thing a try some time, justin. not quite as practical as practicing a martial art, but at least as fun.

commentson 25 April 2004 : 06:52, omg sez:

We celebrated by practicing the 108 meditation, doing one move 108 times with nine different partners, breaking for meditation and readings from o'Sensei's texts between. Sweaty hard rolling falling and pushing broken by meditation.

Sheesh. I'm in the wrong business. People can pay me to sit in robes and do the sam moves 108 times? P.T. Barnum, if he were alive, would be applauding wildly.

I am now announcing that I am an Akiko master.

commentson 26 April 2004 : 17:12, d sez:

re: puncuation nazi


your entries are intriguing, as always.

i think that you will not need to explain that your sensei is not irish if you use a hyphen instead of an apostrophe after the honorific, as in "o-sensei". or you can skip the puncuation altogether, but then you will run into numerous people who will think that you are using a totally new word and have to explain over and over ("osensei"? is that some kind of spa?). the hyphen is the way to go.

can you dig it? i knew that you could.

have a good "one",
sr. d

commentson 26 April 2004 : 18:34, crankyuser sez:

I've been taking aikido since January and what I find the most fascinating is how different people can be. Given someone's normal stance and grip, it can be very easy or difficult to perform a given technique. Some people are rooted, others have a rigid grip. In the latter case of course you'd switch to a different technique, rather than force your way through.

When teaching new students I try not to overwhelm them, and only add one or two adjustments during a session. Overall at my dojo it's more about fun first and fine tuning later, as you get more serious. It always feels like play, and I'm curious when I hear about others' less fun experiences.

commentson 29 April 2004 : 20:02, Eric sez:

re: punctuation/spelling nazi


Or, you could avoid all confusion by leaving the honorific "O" out completely in this case. I believe that's correct Japanese anyway. Sensei is a word with respect built-in, so to speak.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.