Friday, 30 July - link
Ryan's RNC Video Project Needs You!

Ryan Junell is a dedicated provocateur. He researches extensively, makes brilliant video art, he hosts great shows and conferences, and collaborates with many brilliant artists. His interests tend towards the pop culture, with an unflinching eye for politics and ethics. And always a striking sense of humor.
Ryan is planning something amazing surrounding the upcoming Republican National Convention in New York City. He's going to be filming in the streets, in the convention, making video art out of activism.
He's looking for help - and he's throwing a party.
A Benefit for the RNC Video Project
Wednesday, August 4th, 2004
ICAN Gallery, 1310 Mission Street (across from Guitar Center)
San Francisco, California USA
8pm - Midnight / $5+ bucks
You can participate - you can dance, you can debate, you can donate. I did!
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February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.
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