mysterious folda sofa
Today Edward and Sharon came over to check out this evolving home. I was touring them through the various rooms in progress, outlining functions and fixin's. They had a lot of suggestions, like replace the bathroom door (now solid wood) with something using frosted glass, to let more light through the house. And tone down the insane pink on my bedroom walls. And be aware that the sunlight down here is different - it will brighten everything and fade anything anywhere near a window.
I showed them the guest room; I was thinking to have a dedicated bed there for visitors. You should get what we have! they chimed. It folds up like a lounger or a sofa or a comfortable bed.
I'd already looked over the 'net at all kinds of bedding options - convertible, transforming sofa beds, daybeds, futons, all kinds of sleeping furnishings. I want my guests to be comfortable, and I figured I had a living room and a place to sit outside, so I didn't need to have another place to sit in this room.
But it is a small quiet room and maybe it would be nice to be able to curl up on a lounger and read or have a couch in there during a certain kind of party. So I was attracted by their suggestion; although wary that I hadn't seen anything good that did all the things they described, their enthusiasm was infectious.
And their judgement was spot on. They had exactly what I wanted - trim, comfortable, functional. Beautiful!

The mysterious flexafolda sofa/recliner/lounger/bed in reclining mode. With colorful cushions!
And, as it turns out, impossible to find on the internet. At least so far. They remembered the brand name as Della Robia, but I can't find that. They bought it at Linder Design - they're closed this time of evening. I've been scouring Euro-Furno-Design sites for an hour now with no luck. And combinations of sofa-chaise-bed pull up the same old same old. Anyone have a positive ID and/or web link for this furnishing?