I have the job of saying grace before my big family meals. Thanks Mom! Here is my offering for Thanksgiving 2012:
[don't read this if you're part of my family and we're having dinner together 22 November 2012!!!! I'm going to read this aloud to you instead :-) ]
in this clarity of autumn
when the leaves ride high on the compost pile
looking through bare branches
we might see the capacity in our world for new beginnings
since we are all alive around this table right now
that means we have survived at least this long
and we can awaken our minds
to make something new
each day
we are grateful
This sits atop a pile of past Thanksgivings. Perhaps my favorite short Thanksgiving grace was part of 2010:
thanks for the crazy set of circumstances
that has us upright mammals
Sitting politely around the riches of a living planet
Ready to eat as a family
And give thanks
And I'm glad I made this family Thanksgiving video in 2004: