I've spent this last week barely leaving my house, listening to a fun frenetic musician called "Shitmat" and building a new site at http://bud.com/
After twenty years of owning this domain, it seems the time is ripening to make something useful out of it. I'm asked weekly if I will sell it, and maybe I would for an eye-popping amount of money. But I'd rather make something great with it. Making one-person videos is hugely fun, now I have room in my life for other, more collaborative work.
I've spent the last few months exploring ideas that would be good to build on bud.com. Uber for weed? Pot-friendly friend finder? CraigsList for Cannabusiness? I began to realize I might not be able to make the best use of bud.com with any single idea I have; instead I might do better to enable other folks to grow their bud.com ideas. If I can help other people be successful @bud.com then attention and money will follow, enough for everyone who can contribute work to make the domain great.
So I've spent the last few months reading about cannabis and writing down the core values that should direct and drive bud.com in the years to come. They're all posted on the site, along with a call to action and a few initial projects. Thanks to 19 year old Justin Hall who registered this domain so 40 year old Justin Hall can spend time working on it!