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December 2015 Archives

pee shy

When I was a younger man I had trouble urinating in men's restrooms - my mind got busy preventing me from pissing. I made a video explaining that experience; maybe someone wrestling with the same issue can feel less alone.

YouTube: "pee shy"

Facebook: pee shy

pee shy

When I was a younger man I had trouble urinating in men's restrooms - my mind got busy preventing me from pissing. I made a video explaining that experience; maybe someone wrestling with the same issue can feel less alone.This is an episode of the Justin Hall Show - you can learn more about the episode at this update: you can learn more about the Justin Hall Show at and finally you can support future episodes like this or even better and more exciting at

Posted by Justin's Links on Monday, December 21, 2015

Spoiler: now I can pee pretty easily. Aging, confidence, the experience of having peed successfully before - all combine to have me feeling less anxious and more relieved about a lineup of urinals. Maybe some day I'll feel anxious at a urinal again!

Note: this is a text-heavy moving image. "pee shy" is my attempt to mimic & learn a 2015 video style I've seen exemplified by AJ+ - Al Jazeera's online news wing. I noticed that AJ+ consistently transcribed the words spoken by the subjects of their videos appearing more and more frequently in my Facebook stream, where the videos play without sound by default. I rewatched some of my recent videos with the sound off, and I didn't see enough of the story.

So here's an experiment in telling the story in text along with my voice. It was fun to put my words on the screen and to give them some movement and life and relationship to other words. I revised this film multiple times with no volume, learning more of the communications potential of playful captioning.

This post is aligned with the portion of Justin's Links wherein I describe my physical instantiation.


Thanks Steve Rhodes - from @tigerbeat on Instagram
June 2012 dancing in the streets of San Francisco with Ilyse Magy, photo thanks Steve Rhodes on instagram!

Hi, I'm Justin Hall and this here is a personal web site I've used to chronicle my time on earth since 1994. The content on the front page is relatively recent; if you search through the archives, you'll find old pieces of Justin. Some folks have indexed my doings on Wikipedia.

Twitter: jah
Facebook: Justinreach

eBooks by Justin Hall

I've published books for sale, somewhere else online! Behold:

Now available for the Kindle: A Story of GameLayers. My experience being CEO of a tech company, 2007-2009:

"A tell-all story of a startup from the very beginning, with lots of info about real-world fundraising. A more intimate look than you'll find in other business reads." says Irene Polnyi in a 5-star review on

A Story of GameLayers, for the Amazon Kindle.