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| <h2><b>Lend us your link!</b></h2> |
| Links to lists and lists of links that underground linkers have listed (say that ten times fast). |
| <hr> |
| <a href="mailto:GasGrills@aol.com">Gas Grills</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://home.aol.com/gasgrills">My Home Page</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| My home page. Not much because it's AOL, but I like shameless self |
| promotion. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:schneidsuf@aol.com">Maribeth Schneider</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://cigarworld.com/">Cigar World</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Cigars are hot and so is this site! Sponsored by the makers of Macanudo
| and Partagas, cigar lovers can win the ultimate cigar dinner in this
| online cigar club. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:wtrecord@interport.net">WT Records</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.interport.net/~wtrecord/LINKS.html">WT Records</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| WT Records Great links |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:rob.cosgrove@rbsbbs.com">Rob Cosgrove</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.wspice.com/bizkits">Hot BizKits!!!</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Remote Backup Services - The most exciting new computer business to come
| along in years. Use your own computer and modem to provide off-site data
| backups to businesses in your area. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:output@t-square.com">Gayle Barr</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.t-square.com/output/">T-Square Express: Service Bureau, Outputting, Graphics, and More</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| T-Square Express is your service bureau for graphic design, large format
| digital printing, and products for advertising, architectural, and
| engineering businesses. http://www.t-square.com/output/ (305) 324-1234 |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:cderry@southam.ca">Chris Derry</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.southam.com/">Southam Inc.</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| An interactive product and service sampling centre of all that Southam has to
| offer: interactive CD-ROM , investor relations information, job postings, a
| calendar of Southex exhibitions and TV Times. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:Wiz@wwwiz.com">Gordo</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://wwwiz.com/">Take a WWWiz with the best of them!</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| And of it they sez...
| Now you can take a wiz with the best of 'em!
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:lhoffman@earthpledge.org">leslie hoffman</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.earthpledge.org/">earth pledge foundation</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| A nice crossover from the dry world of UNgalese speaking theorists
| to the rest of the world that might give a shit about the state of
| the place (earth). Also offering a $100,000 for essays on sustainable
| development. Not bad for a few good words. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:">Fred</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://wwwiz.com/picks">Wiz's Picks</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Great picks and links lists. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:wiz@wwwiz.com">Gordo</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://wwwiz.com/">@WWWiz and WWWiz Magazine OnLine</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Now you can take a wiz with the best of 'em! |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:ching@tridel.com.ph">Ching</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.tridel.com.ph/user/ching">Ching's Cyberplace</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| A personal guide to all the technical stuff (everything from |
| "How to Use Telnet" and "How To Write Your Own Web Page" to links |
| to the Java and Silicon Graphics Home Pages) - if you've ever |
| wanted to know what a 19-year-old girl thinks of the Net, here's |
| your chance! =) |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:robert@sex.and.more.sex">Robert the mad sex maniac</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.servint.com/erotica/sex2.html">Adult Links</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Links to many, many sex sites |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:robert@sex.and.more.sex">Robert the mad sex maniac</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.servint.com/erotica/sex2.html">Adult Links</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Links to many, many sex sites |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:kettery@inetdirect.net">Bush pilot</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.inetdirect.net/kettery/">CAVU</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| The CAVUdesign homepage. Live from Indianapolis! Lots of fun images, information and hot link.s.
| Also the home of LSVideo, the worlds only source for hundreds of rare and out of print classic films.
| Maybe even a scary flying reptile or two! Check it out! |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:kettery@inetdirect.net">BK</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.inetdirect.net/kettery/LSV.html">LSVideo</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| LSVideo is all about rare films. They have the silent films you read about in college, the obscure '30s films you
| saw on TV once, the hard-to-find movies of some of your favorite stars, and even a smattering of rare television programs. It's all here.
| Lugosi, Karloff, Veidt, Ed Wood, F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Hitchcock, Chaney, Chaplin.........
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:eric@ora.com">Eric Lundberg</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://gnn.com/wr">Web Review</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Web Review is a click-provoking online magazine covering
| the World Wide Web. In reviews, articles, columns and
| multimedia features, we focus on the question: How do
| you best spend your time online? |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar">Sergio Paoli</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://metro.turnpike.net/S/spaoli/index.html">WWW Virtual library: India</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| The most bigger and complete Virtual Library of links to India on
| the WWW. Look at this marvelous country... |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:rosalind@netcreations.com">Rosalind Resnick</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.netcreations.com/ibg/">The Internet Business Guide, Second Edition</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Come check out the second edition of the best-selling Internet
| Business Guide, co-authored by Rosalind Resnick and Dave Taylor.
| Let the experts show you how to make money on the Net -- and save
| money, too! Order direct from Macmillan Computer Publishing and get
| $5 off the cover price of $25!
| http://www.netcreations.com/ibg/
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:beaumont@gate.net">Tony Beaumont</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/~worldop/">The World of Opportunity</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| MediaPlus is proud to announce "The World of Opportunity". "The World
| of Opportunity" is a collection of business opportunities ranging
| from franchises to vending, multilevel marketing and many others. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:beaumont@gate.net">Tony Beaumont</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/~worldop/">The World of Opportunity</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| MediaPlus is proud to announce "The World of Opportunity". "The World
| of Opportunity" is a collection of business opportunities ranging
| from franchises to vending, multilevel marketing and many others. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:test@netcreations.com">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">First Test of Sending All To Me!</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:kitty@gate.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:allyl@cnet.com">Ally Lowitz</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://vsl.cnet.com/">Virtual Software Library</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| VSL is the most powerful tool available for searchinjg for
| shareware and freeware on the Internet. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:busta@jam.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:busta@jam.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:busta@jam.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:busta@jam.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:busta@jam.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:busta@jam.net">Busta</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.gate.net/">Jamming Toes</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sorry, this is a test. |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:nelson@crynwr.com">Russell Nelson</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.crynwr.com/~nelson/dad">Crynwr Software</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| In memory of my father, who died January 16th |
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:"></a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.cris.com/~Mattgo/pamanelle.html">nekid</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| NEKID Women
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:ugly@www.trident.nettuno.it">The Ugly</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.trident.nettuno.it/~ugly/theugly.html">The_Ugly</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Terrific, scared, vicius, pervert, erotic
| abominius, private & depravate collection of links... Mail to
| TheUglyThingFromTheWeb to add other terrific links!!
| </blockquote><br> |
| <hr> |
| <br> |
| <a href="mailto:xkot@ix.netcom.com">Xkot</a> linked us to |
| <a href="/web/19970111123340/http://www.well.com/user/xkot/pick.htm">Pick of the Web</a> |
| <br> |
| And of it they sez... |
| <blockquote> |
| Sticky new web-boogers and eccentrica. |
| </blockquote><br> |
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