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25 may, 1996

m j q

under the ponce de lean hotel, on ponce de lean near monroe.
near little five points
cruise around, no obvious site
just an integrated parking lot
makes wil nervous, won't stop, doesn't think it's it

m j q we park our car, offered prostitutes, heroin
wilson's fake ID gets him in the door and we're in the low hung dark integrated atlantean hip hangout
couches made it chill
no obvious drunkards at worse suffering from over-angst apparel

only the hyper trendy to bother at
pooter otherwise, I found a guy drinking jolt working on some javascript in the corner
a large black capricorn working doodle artist who won't play drawing with wilson

grim jah

I drink a guiness, danced some mostly people watched

what the than-thous do in atlantea - mostly seems an interracial thing
I got the sense there ain't otherwise much mingling, but here, is power.

atlanta | destin | summer '96 | share

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