Comments on Pathetic, or just busy? I can't decide.
commentson 2 October 2003 : 12:11, jon sez:

You could have cut your nails in the time it took you to write the entry about not cutting your nails.

commentson 2 October 2003 : 12:36, misuba sez:

Are you asking for votes? If so, are "pathetic" and "busy" our only choices?

commentson 2 October 2003 : 14:44, qualler sez:

i'm leaning towards pathetic. two reasons for this: one, because you actually put "cut nails" on a task list. two, you still haven't cut your nails.

commentson 2 October 2003 : 14:50, alison sez:

why don't you multi-task and bite them while taking care of something else on that list?

commentson 2 October 2003 : 16:16, Judy sez:

maybe you need those nails for something you are not aware of yet....

commentson 2 October 2003 : 17:57, Fleischman sez:

Your toes or your fingers? Either way, guys with long nails are gross. Cut them now before someone vomits on their own shoes.

commentson 2 October 2003 : 19:10, Sean sez:

I vote for growing them out.

commentson 3 October 2003 : 07:17, A Justin Fan sez:

Just busy.

commentson 3 October 2003 : 10:42, Ben TX sez:

Why don't you pitch to nokia that they put a nail cliper in one of their mobile fones? I'm sure if it was made out of black powder carbon, with razor sharp blades and a rubberized grip, it would be a much more attractive process.

"The new Nokia 814d3, now with clip-tech. It's a whole new type of clipper chip"

commentson 3 October 2003 : 12:56, mike sez:

There's a Japanese superstion about cutting your nails. It's best not do it at night.

commentson 3 October 2003 : 14:06, Howard sez:

UR 1 cr8z d00d!

commentson 3 October 2003 : 15:37, Don Wrege sez:

Classic anal retentive behavior.

Justin is *attached* to his nails and feels a subtle subconcious loss in cutting them shorter.

Undoubtedly he has been urged by girlfriend Jane to "clean up," (remember the nose hair incident?) and his reluctance to do so is his passive aggressive expression of the last vestige of independence he has.

Literally hanging by his nails to his sense of self identify.

Glad I could help.

Don W.
Boulder, CO

commentson 3 October 2003 : 18:17, Joao Paglione sez:

I never clip my nails. You need them to play Flamenco guitar. Besides they will break off when the right time comes. Darwin was right!

commentson 3 October 2003 : 18:41, Damanda sez:

my vote goes to pathetic...for writing it out on the to do list, for reading it 3 days in a row, then for sitting down and writing about it instead of cutting them. now if you lost the clippers, that would be a different story....busy and unorganized.

commentson 3 October 2003 : 22:31, Christine sez:

so...did you cut them yet?

commentson 4 October 2003 : 00:49, j sez:

i was hoping to see the list

commentson 4 October 2003 : 02:11, Liz sez:

Look, are we talking finger nails or toe nails? I need to make an informed decision.

commentson 4 October 2003 : 08:22, Howard sez:

What is pathetic is that old Justin fans, accustomed to getting our Justin fix for years, have to resort to these comments on Justin's fingernails because he posts new entries once every seventeen days now.

Yoohoo, Justin: There's such a thing as overdoing the get-a-life stuff. Ditch some of that life shit and start posting again.

commentson 4 October 2003 : 08:24, Howard sez:

Remember? It wasn't so long ago when Justin would shiver his ass on a bus for an hour in the friggin SNOW so he could plug his laptop into a payphone so he could post.

How the mighty have fallen.

Think of your mother, Justin! How is she going to know if your penis has started swelling alarmingly?

commentson 4 October 2003 : 08:33, Liz sez:

Think of your mother, Justin! How is she going to know if your penis has started swelling alarmingly?~Howard

haha! Thats funny.

commentson 4 October 2003 : 18:43, justin sez:

finger nails = cut (day after this post)
toe nails = haven't looked yet (starting to feel ragged)

j - you asked after the list =

TheFeature (diary, article)
Laundry - Packing
cut nails

that list was recently rewritten =

Mobile Notes (Konami, Namco)
Mobile Pix

I have a Japanese nail clipper, a regular clipper surrounded by a plastic sheath for holding the clippings! Huzzah! I bought it in a convenience store here in Tokyo; it was called "the cripper" - dangerous gang periphernalia! But so well engineered.

commentson 5 October 2003 : 14:25, Howard sez:

Sounds like it would make a good gift for Americans. Isn't that the problem with nail clippers? The clippings jump or fall all over the place and you have to hunt for them and find a place to discard them.

commentson 5 October 2003 : 19:14, Carlo Suarès sez:

Yah, making a task list is pathetic. It doesn't matter what is on it, the listing activity itself is so sad.

But more pathetic is to take the time to comment here on whether you and your list are pathetic--not to mention the collective contemplation of the conditions of your various bodily parts and your mother's awareness thereof.

We are all obliged to play out this tragicomic scenario to its ultimate resolution with not so much as a brief intermission for psychic relief, it seems. So never mind the task list, my friend. Sit back and enjoy your performance, and leave the stage business to the director.

commentson 6 October 2003 : 08:50, Howard sez:

Read Guy de Bord

commentson 6 October 2003 : 12:57, kurt sez:

er, it's struck me often how unstructured J's life is. it ain't just the finances that are out of control.

if you have to write down "cut nails", you haven't got a regular grooming regimen.

form some healthy habits.
get some discipline.

the crazy creative stuff won't take such a toll on your health, then.

commentson 6 October 2003 : 22:15, Andy K sez:

Reading Guy-E. Debord ain't gonna get our boy outta this patikulah jam. But mebbe he might wansta wander among the collected werks of Guy-B. Bored? :>

commentson 7 October 2003 : 19:48, Taylor sez:

Well just my three cents, but Justin if you can hear me, keep doing what you are doing.

Never mind the negative digressions of the jealous others posting on your fine lifeposting.

I commend you as a fellow human in sharing your life with all.

In that sense you are a post-modern renaissance man.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.