Comments on Internship
commentson 26 October 2003 : 03:59, Mathias sez:

Sign me up! :D

commentson 29 October 2003 : 21:00, JoaoP sez:

email entry?

commentson 6 November 2003 : 19:24, Joao Bambu sez:


I finally figured out how to not see screwed up pages. OPERA. So now that I can see your posts, SIGN ME up for this internship, yo!

You won't regret it. I will even mail you a bamboo lamp in the mail.



commentson 14 November 2003 : 04:12, Tara sez:

Hey Justin. I'd love to read everything above this Post a Comment area but there is text on top of text and graphics on top of text. Can you modify it so I can read it??

I run IE 5 with a 15 inch monitor (see no reason to upgrade yet).

Seeya, Tara

commentson 14 November 2003 : 19:48, Joao Bambu sez:

Finally someone sees the page screwed up as I do! Thanks Tara!

commentson 30 December 2003 : 13:58, Dave sez:

No reason to update IE5? Those are the kind of people to help you on cutting edge stuff. Sadly, there is still a 10%, plus or minus, contingent out there who are using it, broken box model and all, security holes and all. Update, try Opera or Firebird, live on the edge.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.