your IV experience sounds absolutely agonizing. I hope to relieve your pain with a bit of gratitude:
I wanted to let you know that your trailblazing work not only inspired me to learn basic html in 1999 but has now inspired me to finally follow through with building a blog! yes I even figgered out movable type!
now I gotta make it pretty and post great stuff! actually my next big hurdle is to create "professional" looking galleries for photography and especially clips from my film work.
Thanks for your tireless 'blogging (I actually remember when you posted something on to the effect of saying "we need to make a piece of software to automate this process--and then MT and Blogger came along a year or two later). anyhow thanks for the inspiration and endless creative work! love andrew
on 31 October 2003 : 02:48, jlw sez:
Gosh, Justin. I'm starting to think you should have taken the wait and see if it clears up option. An eye infection doesn't sound so bad anymore.
on 31 October 2003 : 03:17, Justin Ried sez:
You've got me wriggling with anxiety just thinking about it... I'm sorry man, that's an awful experience to endure. Your body will recover, though - it's a matter of time, patience and medicinal persistence. And you'll be wiser because of it.
Good vibes coming your way, and here's hoping for quick improvement!
on 31 October 2003 : 07:28, liza sez:
If I ever need an IV Im screwed! I have one good vein. The rest roll (move when the needle touches the vein) or are too small. Once my good vein dies thats it.
I hope you get better soon.
on 31 October 2003 : 08:09, Judy sez:
Oh Justin! Ouch! Is today the last IV delivery? Hopefully they can change over to pills.
Are they suggesting heat packs or ice or what to help the arm pain?
How is the rash? Have the meds help curb the spread? Does your forehead still really hurt?
Thinking about you and hope today will be a better day.
on 31 October 2003 : 15:25, mike sez:
We all love you J. Keep your chin up and think happy thoughts:
on 31 October 2003 : 16:00, Timothy Burke sez:
Nasty. Hope you're feeling better, man. Stuck here at an academic conference in Boston on Halloween. I hate medicine that I have to shoulder the burden for delivering to myself.
on 31 October 2003 : 17:54, denise sez:
if they can't do the arms, they'll do a clavicle, which goes in just under your collarbone. feel better soon!
on 1 November 2003 : 14:45, Joćo Paglione sez:
I still can't read your posts, everything is layered over each other. I am using IE 5.01.. fix it please! :-)
on 15 March 2004 : 17:38, Meyers Ben