Comments on In The News
commentson 15 November 2003 : 08:59, Lulu sez:

shoot! we'll miss each other in NYC by a day. maybe next time.

commentson 15 November 2003 : 09:14, justin sez:

Aw shucks Lulu! It would be great to see you again. I have a recipe for cauliflower I want to experiment on you with.

At least we'll always have Austin! At least until you move.

commentson 15 November 2003 : 21:50, abbe sez:

Dude, Eve and I are going to be in Chicago at the same time you are for Thanksgiving. On Friday and Saturday, we'll be staying in Lincoln Park at my cousin's B&B called The Windy City Inn.

commentson 17 November 2003 : 20:51, robin sez:

That is good news -I don't leave town till late-ish Tuesday.
Are we still on for teenage coffee hangovers?

Cannot wait to see you!

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.