Me again. I know that comes across as rather crude (because it is), but my point is: three posts about filing? C'mon Blogfather. You are the one who has inspired me to do so, so much more. I mean this with the utmost sincerity when I say "You're in a rut." Maybe I'm way off the mark, but I feel like something's missing here that once was. What's up, man? Break it down with a entry. We're here.
on 5 January 2004 : 18:01, justin sez:
Fleischman, perhaps you don't understand the gravity of filing. I'm awash in piles of data. I'm looking for some knowledge sharing on this problem, a problem more and more people might have, as tools for developing digital expression proliferate. So this is a useful discussion for some folks!
Keep your hand in your pants and the other on your mouse - you'll find something fun some day, I'm sure. When you turned over this stone, you found a healthy fat worm; why squish it because it's not a cockroach?
I'm not interested in your answer, not here. Here, I'm interested in Anil Dash, and his fabulous online brain extensions.
on 5 January 2004 : 18:07, Fleischman sez:
Ok, don't have a freakin' heart attack. I was actually trying to sincere and expressing an affection for the site. Sorry you took it the wrong way. At least I now know your true colors.
on 5 January 2004 : 18:14, Anil sez:
I'm going to poke myself in the eye if I don't make one nitpicking correction: Our company, which makes Movable Type and TypePad, is called Six Apart. But I hope the rest of my contributions are of use to someone trying to figure out a better filing system.
Of course, a link-based faceted passive classification system that exposes the file system as a natively queryable well-indexed database is my *real* goal.
on 5 January 2004 : 18:24, Fleischman sez:
I never said "not useful." Boring would be a better word, but at least I know now that this is another site that deletes. I'm actually VERY, VERY surprised. I didn't think was like that. After all, I remember some really heated debates getting started over Justin's money issues a ways back and I don't remember him dumping anything "too scary for virgin eyes." I'm disappointed. I've been coming here for over 2 years. Now it feels like an alien landscape.
on 5 January 2004 : 19:03, justin sez:
Fleischman, you have been a long-time reader and rabid supporter of I'm sorry I deleted your post - the strong language you used describing my love life threw me for a loop, not least of which because it was out-of context for this discussion, and because it was addressed as a critique of my evolving questions about modern life. I've known you to be painfully direct, frank and lustful, for sure, but at least somewhat curteous and good-natured beneath it all. I don't doubt that now, but I ask for more patience as I grope around inside technology as well as underwear. may be an alien landscape - repeatedly, I hope, since I continue to experiment. In the meantime, there are still sex links.
on 5 January 2004 : 19:42, Fleischman sez:
on 6 January 2004 : 07:58, Paul sez:
"Of course, a link-based faceted passive classification system that exposes the file system as a natively queryable well-indexed database is my *real* goal." Dilbert says shit like that a lot too and he isn't getting any either.
on 6 January 2004 : 10:22, Jeff sez:
I am confused and shocked that posts are deleted which may have been considered "offensive", yet you keep talking about having your hand in your underwear and you also have a SEX LINK. Where's the logic? Where's the common sense? It's okay to talk about grabbing your junk while looking at porn (which your reference was clearly about) but not okay for Fleischman to talk about something YOU might find offensive? I would love an explanation.
on 6 January 2004 : 11:09, Anil sez:
I would love an explanation.
I'm not justin, but I bet I can explain this anyway: It's his damn site! If Justin finds something on HIS OWN SITE offensive, he *should* delete it.
Also, Dilbert doesn't exist. And Paul, just because I don't talk about what I do with your mom doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
on 6 January 2004 : 12:43, Paul sez:
My grandad always used to say "if you can't fight, make a mom joke". Oh and thanks for pointing out that Dilbert doesn't exist Anal, I NEVER would've figured that one out on my own. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go and look up 'analogy' in the dikshunry cos I obviously missed something there!
on 6 January 2004 : 13:54, common sense sez:
that old guy, his first word was "dood". ignore everything he says. The other old guy will probably take his advice and they will both shit their diapers then scuttle off.
on 6 January 2004 : 13:57, lhkh sez:
on 6 January 2004 : 14:53, Paul sez:
Check out the guy behind him in the purple tank top... are those his brains poking out from under his hair? Ewwwwww!!!
on 6 January 2004 : 16:04, justin sez:
I have proudly worn hair like that guy! I think it was John Gilmore (ie, "The internet treats censorship as damage and routs around it." Not much of a dis-worthy fellow).
As for starting a post with "dood" - I start about one or two conversations like that a week - usually conversations with good old friends. Not a bad word in and of itself!
on 7 January 2004 : 02:17, Russ sez:
Although I offer little advice to help the situation, I've always been a fan of folders. If nothing else, it's a good way to separate things down and then relocate from there. It's sort of like cleaning out your closet in that you start with one huge pile of laundry, separate it into many smaller piles based on whatever categories and then place it back in there--neat, tidy, organized. Then, it's up to you to keep it that way. How's your time management? Maybe you need to set aside a certain amount of time each day for your tasks--sure, it takes away some of the spontaneity in life, but it seems silly to seek structure in one area of your life, if not all...
Additionally, if the number of posts dedicated to this topic is troublesome, why not seek out remedies and post it so that Justin might get over this hurdle and post something more to your liking?
on 7 January 2004 : 14:05, Paul sez: