Comments on rebooting at etech
commentson 12 February 2004 : 01:08, pg sez:


commentson 12 February 2004 : 06:52, Blog Sceptic sez:

Social networks! Blog this, FOAF that! Mobile urban international youth culture! Emergent democratic empowerment of post-protean societies, YEAH!

Well, it's official! I created a site for blog sceptics called, surprisingly enough, The Blog Sceptic (

Anyone is welcome to email me ideas or particularly pretentious posts by the Blog Aristocracy!

(Justin, I've been reading for 10 years and one of the reasons I like it is your subtle digs at the navel-gazing punditocracy!)

commentson 12 February 2004 : 14:30, HIVe sez:

You're always tired. You fall ill easily. You take forever to recuperate. You've been gallavanting all over the globe, through potentially and obviously contaminated people, places, and situations. You've either got HIV or your immune system is a subdermal representation of the low-energy, game-obsessed freak you are.
Be tested before you inevitably put upon the world your pathetic accounts of your unintential guilt trip about who(se lives) you may have fucked.

commentson 12 February 2004 : 16:27, James sez:

Justin, I have found myself increasingly fascinated by your webpage over the last year or so. It is so ... boundless ... and offers so many layers of complexity and interest.

So, to get to the point, HIVe apparently has not read your page for very long.

If he had, he would know that you are ANYTHING BUT low-energy.

Unless you have been on the receiving end of anal sex or doing drugs intravenously, it's unlikely that you have HIV. It's comparatively difficult for a man to get HIV without indulging in one or both of those vices.

commentson 12 February 2004 : 19:08, guardian angel sez:

Dude, you are looking like Matthew Lesko with the ugly suits and bowties.

commentson 12 February 2004 : 21:51, Taylor sez:

It sounds like Justin is suffering from mild deppression.

commentson 13 February 2004 : 01:36, Don Park sez:

Hey Justin,

I just read your post on your travel to Korea. What was the name of the hotel you stayed at Apgujungdong? It looked clean enough for me to try out next time I am there (I am assuming there wasn't much noise going on all night like love hotels often do).

commentson 13 February 2004 : 12:11, Dav sez:

Y'all are underestimating how draining it is to be at one of these events. It's 18 hours a day of constantly keeping your brain revved up into the red zone. Keynotes -> Sessions -> Recap at Lunch -> Sessions -> Intellectualizing at Dinner -> Night Sessions -> Recap at Inevitable Party. It's like putting your trepanning hole to the firehose. And you can't just sit there, arms crossed against the onslaught or drooling on yourself like you want to, you gotta be socially-on (which as an introvert I find incredibly draining, but Justin always manges marvelously).

commentson 13 February 2004 : 14:38, Wendy sez:

Take care of yourself, Justin.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.