Comments on leaning
commentson 13 February 2004 : 18:53, Liz sez:

Everyone feels that way at one time or another. Heaven knows I do. I really admire the way you don't force the issue. I know people that want to be with someone so bad, there in the most bizarre situations now, thanks to their own self will. I know woman who you have* to be with a man, it's their whole identity. They break up with one and take up with another, almost immediately. I just stay open. Life is what happens when were busy making plans, right?

commentson 14 February 2004 : 01:26, Michael Ridley sez:'s a tricky complication. There's a million people rushing past you each day. But to find the one person? That's not every day. But then even if you meet the one person, timing screws with you. Wrong time for you. Wrong time for her. One way or another it's wrong. Unless it's right. But I think that's pretty rare. At least I sure haven't found it yet.

Sometimes I think it's better simply to have a pretty trophy girl on your arm, and stimulate yourself with the other social company you keep. As opposed to trying to stay alert to notice the magical one. Then again - apparently I don't feel that way too strongly since I don't pursue that course of action. :-)

Good luck!

I'm reminded of 88 lines about 44 women...


commentson 14 February 2004 : 01:36, Judy sez:

Life is hard when you aren't in one place long enough to appreciate it.....
Mamie and I are both so proud you are using product in your hair! We love the new image. The bowtie is adorable. Keep experimenting.

commentson 14 February 2004 : 05:57, mike sez:

"...but it's hard to write with hope when you're hungry."

Brilliant, yet flawed. Get ready for the sound bite...

Hunger begets hope, my friend-not-friend. It's drives us to move. Hunger keeps us from waiting for life to get miraculously unfucked somehow.

Just a little tip, albeit slightly out of context, from your Uncle Mike.

commentson 14 February 2004 : 09:24, wilhelm sez:

"Women on the street in New York actually smiled at me!"

that really resonated with me. i feel the same way when i am walking the streets of new york--lots of eye contact and smiles (and a great sense of possibility).

i almost never get that same feeling in the san francisco area. i wonder why that is? do people just not like to flirt as much here?

commentson 14 February 2004 : 09:34, Howard sez:

Sometimes, love isn't something you find, but something you build -- a process you work on, not a package you encounter.

commentson 14 February 2004 : 12:01, wendy sez:

may i remind you i offered you great sex and unconditional affection.. and you threw it away remember? i think you have had beautiful and fascinating women in your life, but, you have never had someone who was willing and able to take care of you... that's what i had to offer... unconditional love. you dont have to entertain me... or stimulate me. nurturing is what i do best... cest la vie..

commentson 14 February 2004 : 12:59, Howard sez:

Doesn't sound so unconditional to me.

commentson 14 February 2004 : 13:12, wendy sez:

well im not sure what you meant by that.. but, im glad justin has someone watching his back..

commentson 14 February 2004 : 13:13, wendy sez:

well im not sure what you meant by that.. but, im glad justin has someone watching his back..

commentson 15 February 2004 : 12:08, wendy sez:

sex without love is sometimes a tricky landscape to navigate. although i have transversed it sucessfully many times sometimes i do find myself here feeling like its messy and unresolved and behaving like a person i dont recognize.
thanx howie.

commentson 16 February 2004 : 13:32, Don Wrege sez:

My two cents:

Don't look for one woman to meet your needs. Your brain goes too fast and you need too much variety right now.

I would suggest at the very least three different women for you. One for conversation, one for sex and one for travel. Don't mix 'em. It gets dangerous.

Two more, perhaps, could augment that lineup, but the point being you'll probably be unsatisfied (and drive your partner crazy) with just one at this point in your life.

The most fulfilling time I ever spent was when I was dating five different women, all for different reasons. While it was a challenge (and expensive), it was worth it because now I'm cured. I no longer depend/expect/seek anyone else to help me maintain my sanity or to enhance my enjoyment of life.


Don Wrege
Boulder, CO

commentson 20 February 2004 : 14:17, Joonbug (James) sez:

I've been checking up on you for the better part of ten years now, and it has been great fun to see how often we're going through similar life situations, and resulting thoughts on them simuletaneously. I SO feel you on this subject trite and cliche as it may sound, my experience thus far tells me that the goddess appears and is willing to nurture you as soon as you truly stop looking for her and find contentment in other affairs. Only then are you truly open to her. She doesn't want you to have that uncontrollable longing - desire - need to be with her. It pretty much sucks. What a dumbass system. For what it's worth, some hottie out there is going to be very lucky to nab a man like you one day, and I have every idea you'll be feeling lucky too. In the mean time, it seems to me that you're preparing for that meeting in the best possible way, by becoming a well-travelled, educated, compassionate man. Thanks so much for sharing so much of yourself for so long.

commentson 1 March 2004 : 13:18, sassafras jane sez:

Gorgeous Justin. Cheer up.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.