Comments on A Terrific Miscalculation
commentson 1 August 2004 : 11:43, souris sez:

justin, if you're going to purchase "new" furniture and want permanent pieces with character, i highly suggest you trek out to the rose bowl flea market in pasadena. it happens on the second sunday of every month. i was able to furnish my home with pieces for super cheap! now that you're local, you have to wander the flea market grounds at least once -- it's an adventure!

commentson 1 August 2004 : 16:32, C(h)ristine sez:

Ohmygosh! The Rose Bowl Flea Market! It's really truly awesome, I second souris's recommendation. Take water, go early, roam for hours, negotiate. It's the best consumer thing about L.A., imho...nothing of that scale in the Bay Area, and I often time my visits to coincide with that flea market.

I go there for inspiration -- even when not intending to buy, I come home with a little trinket (I have a weakness for vintage handbags). Then there are the stories behind the items for sale -- where have they been for the last few decades? What have they seen? I can see you having fun there, Justin.

commentson 3 August 2004 : 10:59, diggity sez:

Outdoor furnishing tips...use Spar varnish on woods. For best care sand and reapply once a year. Acrylics are best for fabric left keep your chairs in the best shape you can buy or make plastic throw covers for bad weather protection. Or just bring them indoors!

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.