hey justing, recently returned to your site for the first time in years. avid reader 1997ish-2000, been kindof out of the loop for a while.
anyway, just gald to see you´re still at it.
on 19 October 2004 : 10:43, Liza sez:
on 19 October 2004 : 15:30, Liz
You are so focused and productive these days. It's very inspiring.
BTW, I got a new job and it's really different for me. I'll email you the details. :)
on 19 October 2004 : 15:51, the OTHER jah sez:
Isnt' it funny how often we end up making banana bread?
One day you're in a grocery store and you see absolutely perfect green/yellow not quite ripe bananas just the way you like them and you get a wild hair up your ass and think... "You know, Kellog's Corn Flakes with bananas and skim milk would be a heavenly way to start each day."
...Cut to what seems like 2 days later and you've got a bunch of nearly rotted bananas and you're back at the store scrambling to buy pecans at 11pm. You make the banana bread and end up giving it away at work because after all, you made it ...and you saw how much sugar and oil you had to pour into it to make it taste great.
Next time add more sugar and oil J.
on 19 October 2004 : 20:40, Taylor sez:
on 19 October 2004 : 21:57, filchyboy sez:
Don't believe your neighbors Justin. Fall just arrived. Trees started dropping leaves within the last week or so. We are having early rains. Usually they don't start for another month or so. Winter will be along shortly. Don't get over eager.
(It's raining now. Nice.)
on 20 October 2004 : 09:06, Joao sez:
"Discipline is a chore that sets you free to fly" - Read that in a Bits & Pieces magazine, forget the author.
on 21 October 2004 : 10:19, Mike B. sez: