Once the tools are mature, I think video blogging will look a great deal like this. (That's neither compliment, denigration, nor hyperbole.)
on 6 December 2004 : 00:47, Sean sez:
I like this a lot. I think that maybe it could use some b-roll in some parts, although I don't know what that would entail considering the subject matter and the need to focus fully on what the people are saying, considering the dense yet intellectually stimulating subject matter. It's great that you have the text across the bottom to sort of keep us focused on what the core ideas or the core message of each person is, but I would be careful about overdoing it too (not suggesting it's overdone here, but it's a danger you can run into). I like the variety of shots, although I think there could be more, but things like interviewing Doug Church in the cab add a dynamic element to the composition of the shot and take away from the sort of cookie cutter "person sitting in a chair talking" format of documentary interviews.
I think this really could be expanded into a larger documentary considering your expertise and longstanding interest in the study of gaming and how it plays into our lives (no pun intended).
I also agree about the above video blogging comment...a couple years down the line I too see video blogs and mobile video blogs being a lot more pervasive. The great thing would (will) be accessing video blogs from your cell phone so that you can watch video on your cell phone from anywhere that other people have posted to the web, but the speeds the mobile internet will have to catch up first. I think a system for cell phones to latch onto WiFi hotspots would be one of the best ways to combat that particular roadblock.
on 6 December 2004 : 10:10, Brian Sharp
i enjoyed the movie a lot, although i thought some of the cutting with the intertitles was still pretty abrupt. in particular--and maybe because i've been watching too much Arrested Development recently--the intertitles were begging for ron howard to narrate them or something. like, they would have felt more punctuated if they had been vocalized, maybe even omitting the text.
i thought the interviews were well-filmed and pretty thought-provoking; i was particularly fascinated by malcom's analogy between the industrial revolution and the revolution that will be ubiquitous computing and therefore the corollary analogy between industrial design and UI design. cool stuff.
i also didn't necessarily think the different interviews fit together in the clearest of ways, especially since you chose not to just lay them out speaker-by-speaker; intercutting doug with others made it seem like there ought to be more continuity between their comments.
but, overall, a good effort and i enjoyed it quite a bit.
on 6 December 2004 : 17:33, Philipp Conrad sez:
i agree with the comments. the biggest comment is probably the lack of comments, so i will say this: we all know how we can get around final projects. sometimes we spend more time on family and accidentally lose all our appointments, especially when it's cold. as you said, you'll be re-editing this material and rebuilding it into the future.... so take your comments in good stride!
on 7 December 2004 : 11:51, lukeyes sez:
Stimulating, thought-provoking, and inspiring.
I'm glad to see that there is an undercurrent throughout the development community that branches out from the mainstream, less concerned about profit and more concerned about the implications of the actions presented.
This video makes me want to meet Doug and Greg even more. Hopefully if you, Robin, Doug, and others hang out at the GDC in March I can tag along. I really find the ideas fascinating, and different from the focus of most game developers. I would love to add my own ideas to the discussion and learn even more.
on 7 December 2004 : 14:22, Ethan sez:
Agency. That's a college word which confused me for some time. It's a floor wax and a desert topping! Up there with hegemony. Reminds me of several other film terms which need more airplay. Maybe you could squeeze in "fetishistic scopophilia". Or The Gaze. Gotta love words with capital letters and their own "The". Such as, The Other. Man, would it be great if you could have a rolling credit at the start of a film which read, "Starring The Other, as itself". Two more good ones are mise-en-scene and verisimilitude. Patty White taught me these words. Speaking of off-beat video games and academic film study...how about a video game based on Todd Haynes' Poison?
on 8 December 2004 : 00:49, Judy sez:
I enjoyed the content. My problem was with the lighting and camera angle on the early subjects. It appeared that the chest and neck were well lit making the chins/chest appear huge and the faces in shadow a bit. More toward the middle the subject was sitting more sideways and looked pleasing as was the interview in the car. A welcome break. So raise the camera and the lights. Don't shoot or light anyone from below. Spoken from someone with a chin and chest.....
on 12 December 2004 : 00:22, madsax sez:
I liked the theme of this piece probably the best out of all the pieces you've posted up for your class. However, I didn't really "get it". As a designed piece which is made up of interviews, I get that it is probably challenging to put together a coherent narrative. Perhaps that would have taken revisits to folks to get responses to the ideas of the other speakers. Largely I felt myself just nodding my head and saying "right", and not grokking how Person A's comments really fit together with Person B's. I'm always looking for "the point" to things, and didn't find it here, so now I'm just twiddling my thumbs and saying "huh".