That cloud art on your wall reminds me of work by an artist I saw recently at sixspace:
any chance the same guy?
Oh, and apparently glasses are practically mandatory in IMD.
on 10 December 2004 : 08:14, mw sez:
hmm. You say that your school owns the footage of your films and your not allowed to put it online; but isn't the movies here on your site from your school? =) - i'm no copyright-nut, more the opposite; but there's no chance of you getting into trouble if this is the case? =)
on 10 December 2004 : 09:24, Justin Hall
Alison - that guy's work looks pixel-riffic as well; the pictures in my kitchen are from someone different: Cory Arcangel.
MW - it's true that posting my student films here on this site runs counter to USC policy; I have been working to create an appropriate exemption for students to share their works online. I will be publishing more on this subject online at a later date!
on 10 December 2004 : 12:27, João sez:
I read all of your commentary and it makes me think about several things. But I´ll keep it short and sweet> DAMN, I CANT WAIT UNTIL SCHOOL STARTS NEXT SEMESTER!
on 10 December 2004 : 13:33, blogblog sez:
In some ways I find it quite humorous to read about programs for games. What happens in school is so far removed from reality.
I guess that's the one downfall of college programs, they simply can't replicate real life. As someone who went to business school, and now owns a business...I speak from experience. Ninety percent of what drives my clients or my projects has absolutely nothing to do with anything I came across in a classroom...and the other ten percent I could easily survive without. Certainly, none of the game designers I know got degrees related to games. I'm envious at times, as I struggled through a few years of purging myself of "learned" concepts.
Of course school does provide an opportunity to explore and I time for "play" that you don't always get in business. But then again if you're making a living making games, you also get to play quite a bit. ;-)
It's too bad other creative fields don't allow as much adventure in the office.
on 11 December 2004 : 01:39, Tibor sez:
Justin, I wonder why are you using Quicktime .mov for the online versions of your films? The quality of your movies is good, but the filesize is, well, huge.
Should formats like AVI a better way to bring such media online?
on 12 December 2004 : 00:30, C(h)ristine sez:
Justin -- congrats on getting your first semester over with! That's awesome -- I hope you get lots of rest over winter break.. I just got through the first semester of my MFA program -- wow, it's unreal -- I'm having flashbacks to my undergrad years.
Thanks for sharing all your school stuff and videos and whatnot on your's brave of you (notice how I don't post my creative work-in-progress online?)...and it's as a result neat to through it all with you.
on 13 December 2004 : 15:16, joe stewart sez:
am i to understand that most people read "interactive media" as "video games"?
so the purpose of studying "interactive media" at usc is so that you can go make a million dollars from doing some commercial computer game?
what i'm reading here is that you guys are just playing around with filmmaking and all this stuff with the goal of eventually just making some shoot-em ups...i thought you were in an arts program? do you learn about history and concept or is the program just grossly misnamed?
is it art is it commerce?
on 15 December 2004 : 16:54, alison sez:
Happy almost birthday kid! Hope you celebrate in style. Do I get to wish you one personally on Monday at the rock show, or what??