You have attempted to access a WWW site reported to be pornographic in
You may disregard this warning if the attempt was accidential or not intentional. However, if this activity
is intentional and continued, your status at Brigham Young University may be in jeopardy.
Please read the following very carefully:
The use of Brigham Young University facilities for the access, storage and/or transmission of pornographic materials (including both images and text) is a violation of the Honor Code. Such abuse will be referred to the Honor Council Office. The BYU Computer Network Patron Policy states, in part:
[Persons could] be asked to leave the University when any of the following conditions have been substantiated: Any of the materials [accessed via the network] are pornographic, erotic or indecent or when materials or associated expressions of conduct are offensive and, in the sole discretion and judgement of the University, are inconsistent with the principles of the Church and the BYU Honor code.To enforce the above Brigham Young University policies, accesses to pornographic sites may be recorded and the contents of suspected computer accounts may be monitored. Persons found to have downloaded pornographic materials in any form may be reported to the Honor Code Office or the Employee Relations Office. If you are involved with downloading or viewing pornographic material, you may prefer to voluntarily call the Honor Code Office (378-2847) or Employee Relations Office (378-4486) yourself, and ask for an appointment before you are referred there by us.Brigham Young University reserves the right to monitor your [BYU computer] account(s) and associated computer activities. Abuse in any form could result in suspension of your account(s). If an abuse involves illegal activity, appropriate authorities will be notified.