Jane's Addiction Discography

Edited by John Ford aka Juanito, <joford@apollo.davidson.edu>

Dated March 7, 1992

Editor's note: This is a compilation of recordings of Jane's Addiction. It has been compiled by and for the fine JA fans on the janes-addiction emailing list. I have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but that does not mean I am above error. If you find an error, have a comment, or a question do not hesitate to send it to me.

This list is not final. It is kept updated on a fairly regular basis. If you have something to add, please send it to the list so that everyone knows about it immediately and mention somewhere that it should be added to the Discography. You may also send items to me directly if you wish to remain anonymous. The updated version of the Discography will always be available in the archives.

A short guide: Each item has a number and a letter. The key to letters are as follows: A-album, S-single, R-rare/hard to find item, B-bootleg, M-miscellaneous. There is info on what medium(s) the item is available. There is also a something called Length which I've had to leave blank in most cases for lack of info. If people could supplement that, it would be appreciated.

There is a list of songs, followed by review(s) of the item. If you have the item in question or are really familiar with it and would like to send in a review to me, please don't hesitate, even if it's already been reviewed. After each review is the reviewers email address. Ones that do not have this were reviewed by me. The last catagory is Avail.

This explains how to aquire the item. It either describes what kind of store, how to order, or an email address to contact. In the last case there is usually a quote describing that person's terms for trade. These people do not have to stick to what is written here. They are free to change their terms. If you are quoted here and would like to change your quote, please send it to me. Also, the miscellaneous category contains some other artifacts other than recordings.

Finally, at the end are two appendixes. One lists every song that is available on the Discography followed by what item(s) it is available on. The second appendix contains a list of email addresses of people who have items up for trade followed by the items they have to trade. This is to fascilitate trading so that when you are contacting them you know exactly what they have.

Remember, the Discography has two purposes: to inform people of what JA has been recorded, and to make it easier for people to get it. I hope it accomplishes this. Please send me any comments you have on this. Anyway, HERE WE GO! - John Ford aka Juanito, managing editor <joford@apollo.davidson.edu>

Item 1A   Jane's Addiction (Triple X Records, 1987)            
Medium:   Vinyl, Cassette, CD            
Length:   40:16            
Contains: Trip Away                            
          Pigs In Zen            
          1 %            
          I Would For You            
          My Time            
          Jane Says            
          Rock 'N' Roll            
          Chip Away            
Reviews:  This is JA's first true album that is currently available as such.  It is 
semi-live.  In other words, the audience is audible, but the bootleg feeling is 
not there.  As with all three albums, sound quality is as good as it gets.
Avail.:   At most record stores at regular prices.

Item 2A   Nothing's Shocking (Warner Bros., 1988)
the album cover
Medium:   Vinyl, Cassette, CD, also ltd. ed. with plastic cover
Length:   45:29
Contains: Up the Beach            
          Had a Dad            
          Ted, Just Admit It            
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking            
          Summertime Rolls            
          Mountain Song            
          Idiots Rule            
          Jane Says            
          Thank You Boys            
          Pigs In Zen            
Reviews:  Jane's first major label release.  There are two songs here that 
appear on the first album.  There is a noticable difference on Jane Says in the 
presence of a steal drum.  Pigs In Zen contains a different monologue from 

Avail.    At most record stores at normal prices.

Item 3A   Ritual de lo Habitual (Warner Bros., 1990)
the album cover
Medium:   Vinyl, Cassette, CD            
Length:   51:39         
Contains: Stop!            
          No One's Leaving            
          Ain't No Right            
          Been Caught Stealing            
          Three Days            
          Then She Did...            
          Of Course            
          Classic Girl            
Reviews:  A noticable difference is the number of longer, slightly mellower 
songs that contain more than one musical theme.  One thing about shopping 
for this album is that it appears in two different covers.  Beware of record 
stores that sell this with a white cover that has the first ammendment on it.

Avail.:   At most record stores at normal prices.            

Item 1S   The Shocking EP (Warner Bros.)         
Medium:   vinyl         
Contains: Mountain Song         
          Jane Says         
          Had a Dad (live)         
          lim ed. with poster         
Avail.:   Possibly a UK only release.           
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  "singles I have or know about.  I might 
mail in 
catalogue numbers later.

Item 2S   Stop! (Warner Bros., 1991)         
Medium:   vinyl,CD         
Contains: Stop!         
          I Would For You         
          Three Days         

Avail.:   Most big or second hand record stores         
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  see above         
          <adikt@buhub.bradley.edu>  "I'd be happy to copy or trade, or get 
actual albums when I go home."          

Item 3S   Three Days (part 1 and 2)          
Medium:   7" vinyl         
avail.:   uk seven inch single         
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  see above         

Item 4S   Three Days (UK 12")         
Medium:   CD, vinyl         
Contains: Three Days          
          I Would For You (demo)         
          Jane Says (demo)         

Avail.:   uk twelve inch single         
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  see above         

Item 5S   Been Caught Stealing (Warner Bros., 1991)         
Medium:   CD, vinyl, also ltd. ed. 12" with postcards        
Contains: Been Caught Stealing (12" remix version)         
          Been Caught Stealing (album version)         
          Had a Dad (demo)         

Avail.:   Most big and second hand record stores         
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  see above         
          <adikt@buhub.bradley.edu>  see above         

Item 6S   Been Caught Stealing/Had a Dad (demo)         
Medium:   7" vinyl         
Avail.:   UK seven inch single         
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  see above         

Item 7S   Been Caught Stealing (UK 12")         
Medium:   CD, vinyl         
Contains: Been Caught Stealing (12" remix)         
          Been Caught Stealing (album version)         
          Had a Dad (demo)         
          L.A. Medley (live)         

Avail.:   UK twelve inch single         
          <johnerik@ifi.uio.no>  see above         

Item 8S   Classic Girl (import,plastic box) (WEA International, 1990/91)         
Medium:   CD, vinyl, also ltd. ed. 12" picture disc         
Length:   11:36      
Contains: Classic Girl         
          Aint No Right (live)         
          No One's Leaving (live)         

Review:   Picture Disc: "The sleeve is simply a square, with a large circle cut
out of the middle so you can see the picture on the inside.  The back cover of
the sleeve has a large picture of what looks like an orchid.  The front of the
picture disc is the cover from 'Ritual', and the back is a closeup of the cover
of the Classic Girl domestic CD realease (of Xiola).  Very nice item... I'll
hang it on my wall." -<PML3@ns.cc.lehigh.edu>

Avail.:   Most big and second hand record stores         

Item 9S   Classic Girl (domestic,cardboard box) (Warner Bros., 1991)          
Medium:   CD          
Length:   24:00          
Contains: Then She Did (album version)          
          Ain't No Right (live version)          
          No Ones Leaving (live version)          
          L.A. Medley (live)          
          Classic Girl (album version)          
Avail.:   Most big or second hand record stores.          

Item 10S  Mt. Song 
Medium:   7" vinyl
Contains: Mt. Song
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking

Reviews:  "On the front is a picture of Perry with mic in hand (screaming, of
course).  The same picture from the cover of Soul Kiss, just clearer.  The
picture is superimposed on the 'Casey-twins' with their heads on fire (not 
very visible, you can only make out the two flames).  It has 'Jane's Addiction'
written vertically from top to bottom, with 'Mountain Song' horizontal 
across the 'Jane's'.  On the back are pictures of Eric, Dave and Stephen, with a
picture of Perry kissing either Casey or Dave. It's hard to tell. :-)  Great
packaging.  By the way, both songs are album versions."

Item 1R   Jane's Addiction CDPRO-1 (Totonka, June St. Studios, 1991)          
Medium:   CD          
Contains: Had a Dad          
          Ain't No Right          
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking          
          Three Days          
          Trip Away          
          Mt. Song          
Reviews:  This is one of those NOT FOR SALE PROMO ONLY things.  It is           
completely live including short Perry monologues in between songs.  The           
monologues are interesting, and the music is pretty desent too.  Sound quality 
is extremely good considering that this is basically a bootleg.          

Avail.:   A good second hand record store for about $25 - $32          
          <joford@davidson.bitnet> "I will make copies for anyone who 
them for the cost of shipping and the tape or for trade."          

Item 2R:  Jane's Addiction CDPRO-2 (Totonka, June St. Studios, 1991)          
Medium: CD          
Contains: My Time          
          Pigs In Zen          
          Aint No Right          
          I Would For You          
          Idiots Rule          
          Trip Away          
          Mt. Song          
          No One's Leaving          
          Then She Did...          
          Ted, Just Admit It         

Reviews:  Live, but not quite as live as the other one.  Each song is in its own 
recording clip so there is little in between talk.  Too bad, but there are 
very interesting versions of Pigs and I Would.  Perry gets a little heavy on      
the echo effect.

Avail.:   Very good second hand record store for $25 - $32.          
          <joford@davidson.bitnet> "I will make copies for anyone who 
them for the cost of shipping and the tape or for trade."          

Item 3R   The Head Shop (Templar, Milan, Italy, 4/1991)          
Medium:   CD          
Length:   66 min.          
Contains: Up the Beach          
          No One's Leaving          
          Idiots Rule          
          Three Days          
          Been Caught Stealing          
          Summertime Rolls          
          Mountain Song          
          Then She Did...          
          Jane Says          
Reviews:  The quality is excellent. -Paul Lewis <pml3@ns.cc.lehigh.edu>          
Avail.:   At some record stores as an import.          
          <pml3@ns.cc.lehigh.edu>  "I'm willing to offer copies of this boot 
as a strait trade for something that you have."

Item 4R   Jane's Addiction: Live and Rare (Warner Japan, 1991)           
Medium:   CD           
Contains: Been Caught Stealing (remix off of single with bongos, incredible)        
         Had a Dad (demo) (track 3 of domestic been caught... single. rough, 
               interesting, i like)           
         L.A. Medley (live) (found on cardboard clad (not the gemboxed)            
               classic girl single, a really neat medley of the doors' l.a.         
               woman, a song called nausea, and lexicon devil. perry's           
               incomprehensible, dave's all over the place, the other two           
               pound.  good deal.)           
          Had A Dad (live) (Off the Shocking EP (UK only?) 12" release) (a          
               little feedback, drums patter in, the bass grooves. totally          
               different version. two thumbs up and a big toe for good measure.     
               perry should speak up.)           
          Three Days (listed in two parts, but the same as the album version)       
          I Would For You (demo) (slightly shorter than the XXX version; can        
               also be found on the Stop! single)           
          Jane Says (demo) (or so they say... sounds identicle to the NoSho         
               track, steel drums and all.)           
          No One's Leaving (live) (available on classic girl singles. pretty        
               close to album version, just a bit wilder and with screaming         
          Ain't No Right (live) (also on classic girl.  stephen beats the hell      
               out of the drums, perry's voice actually audible and fairly          
               comprehensible.  Oh yes, and there's this great bit at the end       
               where perry tells off this guy who threw a birkenstock at him.)      

Reviews:  Genereal analysis... dunno if it was really worth $20 for me, since i      
already had virtually everything on it, but it is handy to have them all on one     
disc for the occasional real dance i dj.  It's a must, though, if you haven't       
bought any of the singles and want some different versions of some really 
great songs.  There are some live, but rare they aren't (perhaps in japan) and 
there are some bum tracks. -Paul Herbert Reavis <reavis@oxy.edu>           

Avail.:   second hand record stores for about $20 - $30           
          <reavis@oxy.edu> "i might could get a copy for someone for the 
of shipping and trouble ($5 or so), e-mail me and i'll look into it (would          
definitely go to the trouble for a good boot)."           
          <searles@emily.uvm.edu> "I can get this for $17.99 if anyone 
wants it.  
It would only cost like $1.50 to send it to you, so it would only be like $20."      

Item 5R   Ritual de lo Habitual (import)     
Contains: Stop!     
          No One's Leaving (live)     
          Aint No Right (live)     
          Been Caught Stealing (live or album version?)     
          LA Medley     
          Three Days     
          Then She Did...     
          Of Course     
          Classic Girl     

Reviews:  It seemed to me that this version of Ritual is just the Classic CD-5     
thrown on the studio album.  -<knfu@maristb.bitnet>     

Avail.:   Good record stores           

Item 6R   Skin and Bones (Youth Records, Germany, Ottowa, Can, 1988)
Medium:   CD
Contains: Up the Beach
	  Idiot's Rule
	  Ted, Just Admit It
	  Standing In the Shower... Thinking
	  Bobhaus (unreleased, into for Pigs)
	  Pigs In Zen
	  Summertime Rolls
	  7 Psi-Com Demos

Reviews:  "The sound quality is excellent, and is probably the funniest I've
ever heard Perry. For instance, during Pigs, he replaces the normal words 
with'The bouncer is a pig...'  Before Summertime he says 'Now might be a 
nice time for bouncers to beat some people up' and, 'Randy Savage is going to 
kick the shit out of Hulk Hogan' 'I like the bad guys, and lovely Miss 
Elizabeth' 'I dedicate this song to Miss Eleizabeth'.  Pretty funny stuff.  Perry 
puts on a really good show on this boot, even though he sounds like he's had 
a few substances."  -<PML3@ns.cc.lehigh.edu>

"The track listing is wrong.  Good recording thought the 9-16 is just someone
cussing in the studio (someone not JA IMHO.)" 

Avail.:   "If you want a copy of this boot, I will make trade offers, but I
already have most of the stuff floating around on the list." 

"If someone wants me to buy it for them I will be happy to.  They want $29.95
for it." -<SSowder@silver.ucs.indiana.edu>      

"Will tape it for whoever." -<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca>

Item 1B   Bootleg(California State University, May 2, 1987)        
Medium:   cassette        
Contains: SOUND CHECK (no vocals)        
          No One's Leaving        
          Had A Dad        
          Idiot's Rule        
          Thank You Boys        
          Trip Away        
          No One's Leaving        
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking        
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking        
          Ain't No Right        
          No One's Leaving        
          Trip Away        
Reviews:  The sound check is pretty boring.  The show is good tho.  There is a      
slight hum of noise in the background. - <pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>        

Avail.:   <pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>  "I believe most of my tapes are third or 
generation.  Right now, I'm charging $8 for the tape and my time, or $4 for 
my time if someone sends me the tape.  Return postage is also requested.  I'm 
not doing this for the money, and I don't have a problem with someone 
copying my tapes and making copies for other people, all I wouls like to ask is 
that they don't charge more than $8 for the tape, etc.  My sorta permanent 
U.S. mailing address is:    Chris Gual        
               Box 1345 WPI        
               100 Institute Road        
               Worcestor, MA        

Item 2B   That Ain't Country (Laverne 9/3/87 and Nashville 1989)        
Medium:   Vinyl        
Contains: Whores        
          Had A Dad        
          Ted, Just Admit It        
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking        
          Thank You Boys        
          Pigs In Zen        
          Summertime Rolls        
          Mt Song        
          Trip Away        
          Jane Says        
          Ted, Just Admit It        
          Obvious (called "Digging Something Up")        
          Pigs In Zen        
          Idiots Rule        
Reviews:  The recording is so-so...seems that the recording level was up too        
high...kinda loud and muddled...good stuff, though... 

Avail.:   <adikt@buhub.bradley.edu>  "I'd be happy to copy or trade...or 
get a      copy when I go home"        
          perchance in second hand record stores        
          Hip Cat Records in Wheeling, IL        

Item 3B   Bootleg (Long Beach, CA, 1987)        
Medium:   Cassette        
Contains: Three Days        
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking        
          Ted, Just Admit It        
          Kettle Whistle        
          My Time        
          Chip Away        
          Thank You Boys        
          Ain't No Right        
          Up the Beach        
          Trip Away        
Reviews:  Kettle Whistle side: pretty good... less noise in the background than     
most.  3 Days side: lots of noise.  The tape is really buzzy.  Weird version of     
3 Days though. -<pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>        
Avail.:   <pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>  see above        

Item 4B   bootleg (The cigarettes, drugs, hats show) (Washington DC, 
Medium:   Cassette        
Contains: Kettle Whistle        
          Idiots Rule        
          Ain't No Right        
          Ted, Just Admit It        
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking        
          Pigs In Zen        
Reviews:  This is the best show I have.  The band is really tight and there's       
some audience interaction.  High points for me are Kettle Whistle, Ted, and         
Pigs.   -<pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>        
Avail.:   <pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU> see above        

Item 5B   Bootleg (Cambridge, MA, 3/1/89)        
Medium:   Cassette        
Contains: Up the Beach        
          Idiots Rule        
          Ted, Just Admit It        
          Standing In the Shower, Thinking        
          Burning From the Inside        
          Pigs In Zen        
          Summertime Rolls        
          Thank You Boys        
          Mt Song        
          Trip Away        
          Jane Says        
Reviews:  good tape- not too much noise.  The music and vocals are clear. 
The lyrics for Burning are from Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan        
Avail.:   <pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>  see above        

Item 6B:  Bootleg (Lead Mill Sheffield, UK, circa 1989)        
Medium:   Cassette        
Contains: Up the Beach        
          Idiots Rule        
          Ain't No Right        
          Ted, Just Admit It        
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking        
          Buring From the Inside        
          Pigs In Zen        
          Summertime Rolls        
          Mt. Song        
          Trip Away        
          Jane Says        
Reviews:  not that good of a recording... sounds really far away from the         
speakers.  -<pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>        
Avail.:   <pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU>   see above       

Item 7B   Bootleg (The Tower, Philadelphia, PA, 11/19/90)     
Medium:   cassette     
Length:   under 50 min     
Contains: Up the Beach     
          Thank You Boys/Perry     
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking     
          No Ones Leaving     
          Then Shed Did     
          Three Days     
          Pigs In Zan     
          Mt Song     
Reviews:  The sound here is audience boot, but not bad.  As the tape     
progresses, the sound seems to improve.  This show is noteworthy for Perry's     
comments, and the story that goes with it.  The show was so short because 
Perry was in a bad mood, and so apparently was the audience.  Of course, 
Perry usually insults the audience, but this show he didn't seem to want to 
play.  When the show was over--JA walked off--there were riots and several 
people were hurt, which included some police brutality.  The show was pretty 
well known because of this, and it set the tone for a bunch of short shows JA 
played.  The song versions themselves aren't very innovative--no new lyrics 
or anything. - <pmartin@pennas.upenn.edu>     
Avail.:   <pmartin@pennas.upenn.edu>  "email me or use mailing 
until further notice. postage paid and with cassette.  I prefer email notice 
before anyone mails me something, and I would really like to trade.  So if you 
have something, send me a list."     

Item 8B   Vinyl Promo (Brixton Academy, 3/15/91)       
Medium:   Vinyl (no kidding!)       
Contains: SIDE A       
          Up The Beach       
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking       
          No Ones Leaving       
          Aint No Right       
          SIDE B       
          Three Days       
          Been Caught Stealing       
          Had a Dad       
          SIDE C       
          Then She Did...       
          Mt. Song       
          Summertime Rolls       
          SIDE D       
          Jane Says/Trip Away (10 min)       
          (3 tracks from a warmup gig at the marquee club London 3/4/91)       
          Mt. Song       
          Of Course       
Reviews:  The recording isn't great, and Perry isn't at his best...it's kind of 
sloppy in regards to musicianship (or lack thereof)...but it's still cool.
                                   - <adikt@buhub.bradley.edu>

Wow! One soon to be v.rare item (made in England) 

Avail.:   <adikt@buhub.bradley.edu>  see above       
          Hip Cat Records  Wheeling, IL       
          Perhaps other good record stores       

Item 9B:  Bootleg (Springfield, MA, 5/3/91)    
Medium:   Cassette    
Length:   about 55 mins    
Contain:  Chip o' Intro    
          Up the Beach    
          Standing In the Shower... Thinking    
          Aint No Right    
          Three Days    
          Been Caught Stealing    
          No Ones Leaving    
          Then She Did...    
          Mt Song (cut off)    
          Chip Away    
Reviews:  This was recorded on a dictation microcassette recorder and is 
almost literally a bootleg.  (really a pant-leg)  Because of this, the quality is not    
very good at all, though it is listenable and even pretty good in spots.  It is    
all in mono and has LARGE amounts of distortion and practically every other    
problem a tape can have.

Some particularly good bits are (of course) Perry's dialogue with himself at the beginning of Three Days (including a plug for the upcomming Lollypoploser) Aint No Right, and Oceansize. In all, the playing sounds almost inspired, though the live visuals seemed downright boring to me. Some Perry-isms: "You just gotta tell people what you want, usually you get it..." "Me, I'm outta fuckin' control, I keep asking for things and I keep getting them. I'm just a skinny little jew, just the same as you..." Overall, this would have been a GREAT bootleg if it had been recorded on better equipment. -<lancer@wpi.WPI.EDU> Avail.: <lancer@wpi.WPI.EDU> "I will _trade_ a copy of this plus the live tracks on the Classic Girl CD on a 90 minute cassette for any bootlegs you all have. Particularly either of the Orpheum, Boston shows if these were recorded." Item 10B Bootleg (Newcastle Riverside, England) Medium: Cassette Length: about 75 minutes Contains: Up the Beach Whores Idiots Rule Thankyou, Boys Aint No Right Ted, Just Admit It Pigs In Zen Standing In the Shower... Thinking Summertime Rolls Then She Did... Mt Song Stop! Three Days Been Caught Stealing Oceansize Reviews: "I don't know if it is worth copying this one. Maybe if you really want it, e-mail me, but including postage, it may not be worth it." -<B.N.George@newcastle.ac.uk> "Standard boot sound quality. Monologue about the Gulf War and Lesbians in Pigs. " -<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> Avail.: -<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> -<B.N.George@newcastle.ac.uk> Item 11B bootleg (Subterania, London, 9/24/90) Medium: Cassette Length: about 70 minutes Contains: Up the Beach Whores No Ones Leaving Aint No Right Idiots Rule Three Days Been Caught Stealing Summertime Rolls Mt. Song Stop! Then She Did... Oceansize Jane Says Reviews: Excellent quality considering it is a bootleg -<B.N.George@newcastle.ac.uk> Avail.: <B.N.George@newcastle.ac.uk> "Don't know if I'll give out copies at the moment as I'm snowed down with work at the moment. Maybe when term breaks up for Christmas. If you're interested, email me." Item 12B bootleg (Lollapalooza, Enumclaw, WA, August 28, 1991) Medium: cassette Length: 50 min Contains: Up the Beach Whores Standing In the Shower... Trip Away Don't Call Me Nigger (with Ice-T) L.A. Medley Been Caught Stealing Thankyou Boys Three Days Reviews: Decent recording if you know Jane's songs. Contains one song with Ice-T and Perry exchanging blows on the mic. Gives you the feel of being at a festival listening to the world's greatest bands. -<wellsj@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU> Avail.: <wellsj@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU> Item 13B bootleg (Lollapalooza, Chicago, IL, 8/3/91) Medium: Cassette Length: 100 minutes Contains: Up the Beach Whores Standing In the Shower... Thinking Aint No Right Thankyou, Boys Three Days Been Caught Stealing Don't Call Me Nigger (avec Ice-T) Had A Dad Ted, Just Admit It The She Did Mt. Song Stop Summertime Rolls Ocean Size Classic Girl Review: "The sound quality is pretty bad. Main selling points are that it is the only boot I have so far with the Ice T duet, and Classic Girl." -<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> Avail.: "If anybody wants it, they can either E mail me to negotiate a trade or send a blank tape plus $5 (Canadian Currency or Can. M. O.) to Andrew Yates, 8393 Osler Street, Vancouver, BC, V6P 4E5, Canada" -<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> Item 14B bootleg (Lollapalooza, Stanhope, NJ, 8/11/91) Medium: Cassette Length: Contains: Up the Beach Whores No Ones Leaving Ain't No Right Thankyou, Boys Three Days Been Caught Stealing Pigs In Zen Ted, Just Admit It (cut short) Then She Did (missing beginning) Mt. Song Stop Classic Girl Oceansize Reviews: "It's a pretty decent boot. Three Days is also accompanied by a fairly lengthy intro by Perry, where he touches on thins as puking by the porta toilets, dying, and getting your life together. Pigs has a fairly short monologue, he touches on his life style 'I'm living the high life, and I take my medecine when I come down' etc. Anyways, that's the long and the short of it. Classic Girl is decent, considereing the only other live version I have of it is fairly unaudible." Avail.: same as above <karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> Note: The next four items plus the videos at the end are all available from the source listed at the end. Item 15B Location: C.N.E. Toronto Aug 7, 1991 Source: cassette LOLLAPALOOZA Set List: Up the Beach Whores Standing In the Shower Ain't No Right Thank You Boys Three Days Been Caught Stealing Idiots Rule Ted, Just Admit It Then She Did Mountain Song Stop Classic Girl Ocean Size Great Audience recording. Item 16B Location: John Ford Auditorium, L.A. April 20/89 Source: cassette Set List: Up the Beach Mountain Song 1% Idiots Rule Had a Dad Ted, Just Admit It Thank You Boys Standing In the Showre Whores Pigs In Zen Stop Summertime Rolls Ocean Size Chip Away Jane Says Good audience recording. Item 17B Location: Boston 3/1/89 Source: cassette Set List: Up the Beach Whores 1% Idiots Rule Ted, Just Admit It Standing In the Shower Pigs In Zen Summertime Rolls Ocean Size Mountain Song Aint No Right Thank You Boys Tripaway Jane Says Good audience recording. Item 18B Location: London, England March 15, 1991 Source : cassette Set List: Up the Beach Whores Standing In the Shower No Ones Leaving Aint No Right Three Days Been Caught Stealing Had a Dad Then She Did Mountain Song Stop Summertime Rolls Jane Says Chip Away Good audience recording. Videos: New Orleans 1991 Troy, NY 1991 Sacramento, Ca. 1991 Italy, 1991 Santa Barbara, 1989 All are audience videos except Italy which is pro shot. The first three, I've just received, they appear to be excellent quality - very close and steady with very good audio. The Santa Barbara show is fairly far away, but is steady. If anyone wishes to trade for any audio or video - email me a list or mailme a list to my P.O. Box. Im at kogrady2@mach1.wlu.ca or Mark PO Box 632, Stn C Kitchener Ontario Canada N2G 4B6 Item 1M T-shirts 1) Gagged person on front with 1st ammendment on back. 2) Ritual cover on front with 1st ammendment on back. 3) Bootleg Lollapolooza shirt with band photo and NS-esque writing on front and Lolly-band listing on back. These are not up for trade but are included for the sake of completeness. Item 2M Deadicated (a various artists comilation of Dead covers) Medium: CD, Cassette Contains: A JA cover of the song "Ripple" Avail.: Most record stores Item 3M Soul Kiss (Warner Home Video) Medium: Video Cassette Length: approx. 24 min Contains: Mt. Song (live at a club in LA) 20 min of home videos, including Perry and Navarro doing a song together (Navarro on accoustic guitar) which Perry titles "City" Avail.: most generic record stores Item 4M Studio Interview with Roy Trakin "Words and Music" Medium: Cassette Length: Contains: interview with Perry and Dave about NoSho Disc. Reviews: "Half the time Perry answers the wrong questions... perfect sound... found it in a used tape store... has bits of interview about what the songs on NoSho are about and then the songs themselves... I think it was recorded in the studio that is shown in Soul Kiss that Perry sings "City" in... the interviewer's voice sounds the same and a bit of the interview on the video is also on the cassette tape.." -<mandarin@bsu-cs.bsu.edu> Avail.: <mandarin@bsu-cs.bsu.edu> Item 5M: Letters to Xiola Medium: Cassette Length: slightly over 9 minutes long Reviews: "A reading by Perry, from a poetry collection called 'Hollyword'. Same deal for getting it. If anybody wants it, I'll tape the whole tape of various celebrities reading their peotry to fill up the tape." -<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca>

Appendix 1: Songs/Items they are contained on

1% - 1A, 1R, 6R, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 16B, 17B
Aint No Right - 3A, 8S, 9S, 1R, 2R, 4R, 5R, 1B, 3B, 4B, 6B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 17B, 18B
Been Caught Stealin' - 3A, 5S, 6S, 7S, 3R, 4R, 5R, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 18B
Burning - 5B, 6B
Chip Away - 1A, 3B, 9B, 16B, 18B
Classic Girl - 3A, 8S, 9S, 5R, 13B, 14B, 15B
Don't Call Me Nigger (with Ice-T) - 12B, 13B
Had A Dad - 2A, 1S, 5S, 6S, 7S, 1R, 4R, 1B, 2B, 8B, 13B, 16B, 18B
I Would - 1A, 2S, 4S, 2R, 4R
Idiots Rule - 2A, 1R, 2R, 3R, 6R, 1B, 2B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 10B, 11B, 15B, 16B, 17B
Jane Says - 1A, 2A, 1S, 4S, 3R, 4R, 2B, 5B, 6B, 8B, 11B, 16B, 17B, 18B
Kettle - 3B, 4B
LA Medley - 7S, 9S, 4R, 5R, 12B
Mountain Song - 2A, 1S, 10S, 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 1B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17B, 18B, 3M
No One's Leavin' - 3A, 8S, 9S, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 1B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 11B, 14B
Obvious - 3A, 5R, 2B, 3B, 4B
Oceansize - 2A, 1R, 2R, 3R, 1B, 2B, 3B, 5B, 6B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17B
Of Course - 3A, 5R, 8B
Pigs In Zen - 1A, 2A, 2R, 6R, 2B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 10B, 14B, 16B, 17B
Ripple - 2M
RockNRoll 1A -
Standing in the Shower...- 2A, 10S, 1R, 6R, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 12B, 13B, 15B, 16B, 17B, 18B
Stop - 3A, 2S, 1R, 3R, 5R, 1B, 3B, 8B, 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 18B
Summertime Rolls - 2A, 3R, 6R, 2B, 5B, 6B, 8B, 10B, 11B, 13B, 18B
Sympathy - 1A
Ted, just admit it - 2A, 2R, 6R, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 10B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17B
Thank You - 2A, 1B, 2B, 3B, 5B, 7B, 10B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17B
Then She Did - 3A, 9S, 2R, 3R, 5R, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, 15B
Three Days - 3A, 2S, 3S, 4S, 1R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 3B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 18B
Trip Away - 1A, 1R, 2R, 1B, 2B, 3B, 5B, 6B, 8B, 12B, 17B
Up the Beach - 2A, 3R, 6R, 3B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17B, 18B
Whores - 1A, 1R, 2R, 3R, 6R, 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B, 17B, 18B

Appendix 2: People's email addresses/items they have

<adikt@buhub.bradley.edu> 2S,5S,2B,8B
<B.N.George@newcastle.ac.uk> 10B,11B
<joford@apollo.davidson.edu> 9S,1R,2R
<johnerik@ifi.uio.no> 1S,2S,3S,4S,5S,6S,7S
<karateki@tz.wimsey.bc.ca> 6R,10B,13B,14B
<kogrady2@mach1.wlu.ca> 15B,16B,17b,18B
<lancer@wpi.WPI.EDU> 9B
<mandarin@bsu-cs.bsu.edu> 4M
<pmartin@pennas.upenn.edu> 3R,4R,7B
<pml3@ns.cc.lehigh.edu> 10S,3R,6R
<pogo@wpi.WPI.EDU> 1B,3B,4B,5B,6B
<reavis@oxy.edu> 4R
<searles@.emily.uvm.edu> 4R
<SSowder@silver.ucs.indiana.edu> 6S
<wellsj@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU> 12B

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Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <justin@cyborgasmic.com>