mokumobile *ku
sighted over the brimwind pushes flame
flame dances
all have fun
September 5, 2004 23:33 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 1
sighted over the brimwind pushes flame
flame dances
all have fun
September 5, 2004 23:33 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 1
sighted over the brimwind pushes flame
flame dances
all have fun
September 5, 2004 23:32 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 1
no nightno internet, no tv no friends, just me in bed by ten sunrise the day begin August 3, 2004 22:09 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 1
mature racematuration is a race between July 23, 2004 18:52 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 0
Strange citynight in a strange city queasy belly take the darkened alley under the crescent moon July 23, 2004 9:37 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 1
Terminalthe airport looks to me like a series of portals each gate an entry to another place
the woman pushing two carts with two hands July 14, 2004 22:10 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 0
Some nightsscavenging on the periphery of heterosexual coupling
some nights the mating ritual means July 5, 2004 2:13 | Comments: 0 | TrackBacks: 1