to help you build.

web publishing tutorial and html tutorial and emacs tutorial and Evan's advanced HTML tricks

colour chart

free graphics - horizontal line rules and images server
yahoo repository listing

There's a public folder with MacApps for web weaving:
Chooser, under the Apple menu. Select Appleshare. Go to SC Servers EN, log in to Students as a guest. Select Organizations, look for Sweb.

I try to keep up the latest versions of NetScape, HTML Colour picker, Fetch, etc. in there.

If you're going to be doing any graphics, or if you don't have a computer of your own, I recommend you get an account on the students' server. You can store your e-mail, web files on there and work on them from anywhere on the campus network!

s e a r c h

Alta Vista - shotgun approach

Search and Display the Results

Yahoo - like the yellow pages, more organized

sweb index

Justin Hall /