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justin - justin
bungie land
usually after dark, after so many untoward hours seat bound and staring at the screen, a few electric minds, the late stayers, the late late stayers, switch over for a quick game - "recreation" I have no idea the intention of this product except that it is addictive - the demo is playable, the first one's free. I read in tools for thought about "spacewar," that when campus computer center operators removed this early, simpletech space warfare simulator, productivity declined. it was a mood alterator that somehow encouraged computer endeavour.
but I wonder, if we charged young men were using the network for cooperative building, constructive endeavor, all this time, what would we have created by now?
rounds of combat leave me dangerously twitchy and impatient; people asking for advice or assistance or patience
the thrill seems to lie in playing out as many storylines as quickly and extremely as possible. there being a list of maps for network play, mazes to run around in, we churn through them at a brisk clip. eight minutes in one. that sucked. ten minutes in another, that ruled. one more, six minutes. and vagabond jim figured out a supreme trick - he made the faster running motion of a character a caps lock toggle, so all of us chase each other down constant at twice regular speed and it is not enough; like drugs, an altered state, like armed hamsters barging past and maiming friends for a shifting cocaine/glee button hidden somewhere in a pixeldriven maze.
in the product literature, the company uses the word carnage with alarming frequency. moral regulators, forget hollywood, the real violence is here and even for this fledgling spirit seeker, it is alarmingly intoxicating - |
igor said: Now there's a challenging project. Writing an agent that can make Marathon interesting to watch as a spectator. Dry little detached comments about who and how you like to kill. I had students playing M. in the lab a lot one and two semesters ago. I was pretty bored by it until I realized how supportive the designers were of people editing most aspects of the game. Level building was sort of interesting but the real lure was in changing the graphic elements to things with a radically different affect. Halls tiled with the face of Richard Nixon, cream pies as the only weapons. Most Active Topics: Topic 22 justin time: the return Topic 23 Register to Vote for the Community Board of Directors! Topic 16 i ching | |||
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