Just In Tokyo How to Live as an Urban Nomad in the World's Most Expensive City.
"Just In Tokyo" is, I think, the only guidebook ever to make me laugh out loud. A lot.
"Why settle for a laundry list of hotels and sites when you can have a Justin's-eye view of one of the more impenetrable cities in the world? I doubt you will find loving attention to capsule hotels, cyberporn, and First Kitchen hotate fries anywhere else. Part travel diary, part ethnography, and part guidebook, Just In Japan gives hints to the enterprising traveller on how to beat your own inspired and irrepressible path through a city of riotous density and flux."
"Put down that 'Prague on $5 a Day,' you hippie! Justin’s Tokyo-On-No-Yen-Just-Confused-Smiles will have you flirting, reeling with liquor and dressed up like an extra from a bootleg high-school production of Neuromancer as you chow down on a hearty breakfast of vending-machine schoolgirl panties. As you lie awake in your coffin hotel, listening to the midnight symphony of salaryman flatulence and drunken good cheer, fire up your DoCoMo handset, aim its flat-panel display at this book and read and you will feel comforted."
But for the flexible Western traveller, travel to Japan can be inexpensive and immensely stimulating. Just In Tokyo is written to encourage you to find your own Japan. Get out, start walking and engage the world. Read this on the plane or the toilet to get a sense of some of the strange things you might find, and hopefully this first round of exploration explained here will help you dig deeper during your visit. 70 pages, folded over like a zine, the guide easily fits in your pocket.
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What about Just In Tokyo? Kenji Eno speaks:
For example, if I look at only the the Statue of Liberty and say, "New York is a wonderful town truly!", what do you think?
Although I have many foreign friends, when I know that their sightseeing in
Tokyo, I think almost every country is the same. It depends on you whether Tokyo becomes interesting or less boring. - Kenji Eno (a game creator, the president of fyto inc.)