a beautiful day
spent digitizing
someone else's visionnot even that inspired something I decided to do.
over dinner is
wilson storieswith crony big ben
grewin' up in Davidson, North Carolinaman they just don't stop.
drug dealin' child molestin' racist vietnam vet bus drivers abject violence and madness with guys named goof hodgkins, shagbag typical rya
let's lunar eclipse drum circle
plan for 6.30, show up 7 somthing
disappear between 45 and 9.30in the moment, like a moth. a month's cycle in an hour
I did a lunar lambada
tribal,like goin' school out west
I can sense balky'sI don't drink muchsexuality knows no bi bounds "to all my friends". maybe it's the budding trees
everyone radiates potential. lingering with him at Paces
carew sneaks me an old whipped cream canthirty seconds numb beauty transcendence walking by the kitchen
I sight another unclaimed canister
but not Deena behind,Justin sorry to be a bitch, get out of here. it's completely hectic, we don't need anyone back here doing whippets. thanks. drugs can be so much trouble.
but I have liquorincongruous a Midwestern friend asked for a shot
I jokingly told him no more than half the bottlenightlong progression
Ben's pissed I got him startedhe sez it's my generous nature stupid to give alcohol to a drunk
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>