off and gone: EverestJon Drukman mentioned them to me when I asked him for good techno in 1996.
I don't know that i was ready for Off and Gone's album Everest.
It hit me like a neon lovetrain driven by Jesus. It's that positive. And it's that linear.Off and Gone/Everest is strange music - it's like liquid love, pure spirit, up beat, nothing like it. but it's also electronic, and nearly relentlessly ecstatic. but not so that you'd notice!
it's smooth and sleek. it's a beautiful technology future and you're in love.
ah, i love this CD. I've given it to many people, and I've recommended it.
Off and Gone is the collaboration of two musicians, Dan Handrabur and Phil Western, originally from the Vancouver electronica scene. They only did one album under this title.
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