Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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G O T D launched a preview site in November. For a few months after mid-November, we ran a (mostly) daily updated "Gamer of the Day" interview with one of our community members.

Joel and Terence volunteered me to do it, probably because I had a big mouth. So I tried to go deep with these dudes and gals - digging into their lives, the reasons they gamed, the other things that motivated them. Most of the interviews ended up being pages and pages long, a lot of reading to demand of a demographic with a terminally short attention span.

Anyhow, I had great fun talking to so many people - I learned a lot about the type of people who play games (all types) and I remembered the fact that most people are smart, if you get them talking about the right thing (what they're passionate about, interestingly enough, that was often community service.

A few months later, decided that Gamer of the Day was too prominently featured as the top-rightmost content box on the front page, so the whole thing came down, archive included. That was a bummer, although the workload was bustin' my butt and keeping me from doing all manner of other interesting stuff.

Someday I hope we can bring this sort of content back to the site.

Small Van I did archive one interview, to remind myself what they looked like (with my custom color scheme): Van.

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