justin @ 
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 15:14:09 -0800
To: Howard@wired.com, Julie@wired.com, Matthew@wired.com, Will@wired.com, chip@wired.com, imf@wired.com, Justin@wired.com, Jeff@wired.com, Al@wired.com, jonathan@cyborganic.com
From: Justin Hall
August 5:
Howard's Yard
ClubWired: Paris-Voyager
Mysteriously, the notes trail off at that point.
justin's links by justin hall: contact
Subject: Notes from Friday August 5 meeting
I tried to take notes at Friday's meeting to capture the spirit and some of
the ideas that were being flung around. Upon reflection, transcribing a
tape recording would be a much more worthwhile experience. The notes,
produced unedited below, reflect the free form nature of the meeting:
Howard, Julie, Matthew, Will, Chip, Ian, Justin (secretary), Jeff, Al,
Margie, Jonathan
Pixel Theatre: Max Kissman
Net Soup: alt.best-of-usenet
Columns - point of presence
Online focus of the month
Book section under gallery?
Interactive sections alpha two weeks beta three
Matthew - George Clinton
Icons/Graphix for Soundz
Abbe Don - August 19
Post standard d/l time (for 14.4k) after each file
cool .sig - NetSoup
Soundz - System sound of the Month
Practice Interviews - Howard
Video Sept. 15 latest
Humour section?!?
Robot posting "Did I read that in HotWired?" - "Was that in HotWired?",
etc. on UseNet - Howard
Screening Videos on the net - Will
Each day 45 minutes of what's before - Brian
popstack - good name - Brian - Howard
New name for HotWired. HotWired with a Q - Howard
HotQuired? - Brian
HotWired Pro - Ian
I like that - Al
Wired@HotWired - Brian
How about a mailing list - Jon
HotList - Julie
HotWireHotList - Howard
HotList - Howard
We need to convince everyone that this is their HotList - "Click here to
get your HotList" - Howard
We're leaning towards Helvetica - Matthew
I'm not a fan of them dumbed-down audience - Brian
$.12 a card input business cards - Will
Collect HotWired PhoneCards - Japanese for $10,000!!! - Howard
That's tasty, I like this idea - Will
blurbs with 'tude - Will
Have you talked to Barbara about this? - Matthew
I could see it being huge - Matthew
I nominate Ian for most confident - Howard
If it's not easy, it's not possible - Ian
Do you have more things to talk about? - Matthew
It's a heroin discussion list - Jon
Are you happy with the stuff I've been forwarding? - Will
Videotapes brought in - Will
Sitting at a workstation looking at it larger than life - Howard
Can you get free stuff from them? - Jon
One thing we learned from IconByte bar: text is shitty on an LCD projecter
- Howard
Overwriting people's stuff - Matthew
Producing is going to require systems that we have to adhere to them. We
need more localized meetings - ?
Most important issues -
cross-platform media - Matthew
Quark-building Barbara mentality we have to work with - Matthew
Do you think templates would work? - Al
Dutifully yours -
yeah, mysterious, I'd imbibed too much and left the meeting to go hurl on Howard's front door.