justin @ 

i wrote up these blurbs for the wired wire, an internal company newsletter.12/7/94
December brings to HotWired resolution. Howard Rheingold, executive editor in absentia, finally resigned, ending weeks of miscommunication, speculation, hesitation, and finally freeing up his empty desk for another HotHead. His enthusiasm, boisterousness, unrelenting creative spirit, wardrobe will be missed. The transition was eased by his having been on the road for the last few weeks, so besides the fallout on e-mail, there is actually little noticable difference here.
Wednesday morning I arrived at HotWired to find my peers in the midst of a box clearing party. Cardboard, stryofoam flying, voices and laughter, it was a moment of spontaneous group levity. Now, as Jeff said "there's good energy here" where the mountain of boxes once stood - a large vacuum. Virgin HotWired territory, soon to be filled by fresh young bodies, I'm sure.
There is an intruiging parallel in this building between HotWired employees daily hunched over their terminals, and the asian women hunched over their sewing machines. While we are ostensibly using our minds, and they are not, there is an eerie similarity in our identical prolonged positions over equipment.
I would just like to take a moment to salute the atmosphere of HotWired. The people here are, to a one, fun, fascinating, bright, vital, exciting people. It is a joy to work amongst and with them. Each day the office crackles and cackles with laughter, music, energy, and excitement. This place has a priceless propensity for random shit. I guess that's part and parcel of being on the bleeding edge. Well, Stimpy, I like it!
Amidst the illness and resignations, HotWired reigns on as a champeen web site. We have more than half the magazines subscriber base - just now beginning our third full month of operation. More sections to come, as advertisers continue to clamour for content to ride on to net.exposure. Meanwhile the 1995 office mood seems to be one of tempered offbeatitude. This next year, the magazine, soon to be run as HotWired Ventures, Ltd. will solidify its routines, rhythms and role. While spanking new office furniture and the recently vacated corner office next door await fresh flesh, MacWorld and independent ventures continue to diminish our numbers. Three HotFolk are leaving by the end of January, with more ease and grace than their antecedent. Moving on this month are three self-assured twentysomething men: Ian, Jonathan and Justin. We are sure to be able to follow their misadventures on the web, as Neo, Cyborganic, and Links vie for net.attention. We part ways having enjoyed/endured several enlighting months together.
justin's links by justin hall: contact