Now in his late fifties, Haia strolls the streets of downtown San Francisco as a walking messenger. These are a few selections from his dream journals since 1992.If any of these writings strike you, you can write Haia at:
Haia Berk 415 Lyon Street #7 San Francisco, CA, 94117Or you can call him at:(415)567-06891 June 1992 - 1am - I begin crying and say: this is the second time time that I have been in the presence of angels and have been unable to cross over _ _ and yet my two friends have been able to transmute their very beings and forms and to go into the forth dimension and thus onto the light ship.. I see them burst thru their envelope of flesh and into the other more substantial and pure and divine body which is at once like a clown and a mutant and the bursting thru of temporary bodies and the reforming of bone into invisibility and infinite color and light and possibility... And they say to me: do not despair Haia for you did come close this time, and the window to return will pass thru dimension again and perhaps the next time you will be able to ease thru, and it is not death and it is not life, but it is the perfect combination of elements and music and the stretching of the temporary into the permanent.
30 Sept - there are children with large eyes looking out at me from behind a grid of blue and purple. We seem to be suspended in space.
16 Oct - 1am - It is like a lucid dream (I shall have to ask Steve if it really happened (tho he is in the other room) I "hear" in my "dream" - (or is it in "real life") something run by, and I "sense" or "see" that it is an elf of all things! I ask Steve if something ran by and says that it was Elf Kitty - but that is impossible, as kitty is sitting on my bed at that moment (and this is actuality... of this I am certain) - or can flesh and dream co-mingle?
20 Oct - I find in an antique shop a large candle with figures of faeries carved on it, and when I turned it over, there were faeries dancing! They were alive! Then I looked out past the candle, and there was a person who was naked with breasts and a penis who smiled at me.
Nov 2 - People are walking naked and dancing all over the earth.
Nov 11 - I am going thru all of the transformational stages. I quickly and briefly assume the personality of the gods.. of Ganesh and Shiva and Krishna and Kali... and then trance-port thru them and by them to every atom and unit vibration of creation and become all colors and sensations in a millisecond, and grow large and small and smell the essence of the universe and feel the pulse of creation, and the mind of the whale comrade rises lovingly to greet me and I blend willingly into the cat body as I awake to Elf cat next to me, stretching and extruding sweet friendly nature.
20 Nov - 3am - I dream that as a monkey I will be thrown into space like a ball and with each rotation, I will become a different species.
23 Nov - Another transformational dream - I enter quickly and easily into the body and mind of a black panther.
1 Dec - I dream that all peoples on earth will be brought together at the common rate at which the universe vibrates.
5 Feb - I dream about a cat who eats plants in my house that increases its evolutionary potential... and we communicate telepathically. Then holographic pictures are projected from both of our brains in weird colors onto a screen.
Feb 15 - 5 am - I am on a ship when I am told by a Dr. that a cure for blood diseases will be found by electrically charging in a centrifuge liquid gold and then recirculating it by transfusion into the patient.
3 April - Sam. In my dream I hear this message: the energy of the pulsar is in direct relation to the energy of the mind.
7 April - This phrase I tell a woman just before I wake up: magic presents itself at the gate in many forms and many manifestations and can transform completely the most ordinary of people.
4 May - I dream that I am operating an electron microscope, and that we discover a new and highly intelligent life form which is developing into a universal life form.
5 May - I and the faeries are sitting naked in the snow holding hands.
Dream II - Later.. I am swimming with an ape in a small indoor pool in a friends apt.
July 11 - I am talking at a planetarium and I say: there is a cell memory part of us that remembers clearly all of our prior evolutionary pathways back thru our many stages of development and in every thought and movement that we make, we manifest a part of that memory.
Dream of 18 July 1992 - Fullerton, CA Bruce's home - 3am - This message comes thru: we are the agents of change! Let us embrace all, and move towards the fiery center!
31 Aug - A flaming dragon appears in the sky.
1 Sept - As I stand in a valley, I throw down the cloak of invisibility and transmutation.
Oct. 11 - I dream that I am in a bathtub, and that somehow thru and act of will, I transpose myself into the ocean into the body of a blue whale, and it is supreme bliss!
Sept 15 - I view elves sunning themselves at a beautiful forest lake.
Dec 15 - My piano falls in love with the man down the hall.
13 Jan - I tell my friend that if we slowly count to 10 we can change into any creature we want to and then back again.
14 Jan - I dream that in 10 years a drug will be developed that will take us in these bodies into the future.
Jan 26 - I am in an underground tunnel in a magical land, a rabbit stands with a lantern pointing the way.
Feb 2, 1993 - I am sitting on a chair holding a lime green globe.
March 16 - I transform back and forth rapidly between animal and human forms.
April 6 - I am holding a glass hexagon which contains the alchemical secrets of the universe.
23 April - I am in the ocean cavorting... It is as tho for long periods of time, I dip underwater, I do not need any oxygen... I feel myself transform into the body of a stingray... I feel myself soaring and bubbling and pleasuring in this form.
26 April - I dream that we have an eternally youthful form, but at some point the biological time clock is involuntarily activated and that with training this clock can be shut off.
May 15 - I eat magic mushrooms. It is a mushroom evolutionary world.
Aug 7 - I dream of colonies of androgynous mutants where sex and mind co-mingle.
5 Sept 1993 - I dream that a man is describing to me how the star ship interacts with our mind and the phrase caught in the gravitational pull of the light force, so that he becomes part of it, and it becomes part of Him, is implanted in my consciousness. This it appears is the light force field of the drive mechanism. The feeling that I have as I remember it, is that a star-ship has landed on panther meadow, on Mt. Shasta, and that a man with long white hair who has come out of the ship has described this to me so that I may someday duplicate the results of the universal principle of inter dimensional time travel. It has to do with interposing the atoms of one body (i.e. a human one) onto the atomic structure of a light ship which is of course a conscious entity made manifest by continual contact with the fabric flesh of other commonly vibrating entities and that magic mushrooms are part of the code.
Oct 14 - I and a friend are given a new form of psychedelic which we are told will further enhance our spiritual and mutational development and prepare us for the arrival of the light ships. We are shown pieces of iridescent greenish silica which we are told to eat as we are returning to this so called ordinary world so that we may begin to interact again with earth energy. The dream ends as gray kitty Sam comes running into my Elf room.
Nov 11 - James Broughton's 80th birthday. I dream that we drive off into the country looking for magic herbs for the faery circle.
27 Nov - I dream that I am with my tribe and that there is a solid silver bar arching and spinning thru the air towards my outstretched fingers.
Dec 6 - Sparrow laughing wand 13 in all of his multi-being glory, comes by to visit me in a dream.
Dec 9 - I dream that there is a trance-mediumistic psychoactive substance contained in a thick chocolate like liquid which puts us in contact with space intelligence who then plug us into the ever eternal network of play and flow time traveling electrons whereby we glide among stars. And other creatures to multiple adventures and learning mutating experiences that ever enhance and enrich us.
Feb 3 - I dream that I am in an ancient court learning the magical arts of herbs and scents and powders. All of this from a great court alchemist.
Dec 11 - I am traveling with a wise old man in the woods who has the ultimate power of electricity. Someone says: "He can move his hands in the air and cause electricity to generate."
Dec 20 - I dream that Elf kitty turns smoky blue in color an serves Sam kitty bread and milk.
Dec 28 - Lisa Law my photographer and film maker friend from the Magic Mushroom Mts. of Mexico, shows up at a faery gathering with three young men with very strange clear translucent flying saucer shaped growths coming from their foreheads. They have been driving for days and Lisa asks if I would like to go off with them further into the Mts. to discover the meaning of the growths which had suddenly appeared on their faces.
Jan 9 - I dream that I have entered into the genetic code.
Jan 11 - I am racing at a high speed thru the outer membrane of a marsupial.
I am in a cave underneath the city when the number 23 mysteriously appears.
Feb 16 - In my dream, a light from a brilliant triangular ray emanates from above me.
March 5 - My brother Bruce and Marilyn and I are all feeding each other magic mushrooms.
March 10 - I and several others go by boat to a lagoon and as we approach it, there are arches and rocks that are almost sensually smooth set on platforms with mysterious carvings on them - I run my fingers over them and I'm told that the writing's in an ancient language and the figures were made by nature spirits, and that this is part of Atlantis. There is a scroll by one extremely polished alabaster like arch which is bone dry, and I marvel that tho it is in a cave, it is untouched by the waves.... My friends tell me that this manuscript contains the occult history of Atlantis and that one day it will be revealed to us all.
March 19 - I am handed a violet sterling rose and told that it has been passed down from the beginning of time, and the to consume but a single petal of it will impart the everlasting life.
April 14 - In my dream, I am in the 4th dimension - everything is luminous vibrating light rhythms - I pulse in and out of the energy fields.
24 May 1994 - I am being transformed into a creature part human and part animal. It involves exchanging DNA with a being who is already that creation - and he is wearing a necklace of greenish-blue beads.
Aug 14 - I am sitting on a meadow, when a green disc flies low over a silver disc mounted on a tripod very near me.
Sept 8 - I dream that I am feeding various wild birds.
Sept 22 - A brother being emerges from his star ship on stellar jay meadow on Mt. Tamalpais. He is surrounded by blue light with a triangular mirrored silver star blazing like a billion suns in the center of his forehead. "Well, we meet again friend" he tells me. It seems I have been momentarily sleeping by the large rock as I sit up to see this. He takes a violet mushroom from a pouch around his neck. "Eat and grow strong," he says. "We are truly fourth dimensional comrades!" Take my hand and we will travel to Kauai to play - swim with Dolphin who is our other self."