web ethicsI taught a web ethics course at Swarthmore in the Spring of 1996, to merge the instruction of web publishing skills with the exploration of the issues involved in online media making.
publishing problems and prospects
week two: surf skills
week three: individuals/institutions
week four: avatars/agents/metaphors
week five: interactive/non-linear narrative
week six: life stories
week seven: visual arts
week eight: collab classwork
week nine: envisioning education
week ten: commodifying communication
week eleven: voicelessness/colonialism
week twelve: digital democracy
week thirteen: virtual community
week fourteen: humanity
week three: individuals/institutions
week five: interactive/non-linear narrative
week seven: visual arts
week nine: envisioning education
week eleven: voicelessness/colonialism
week thirteen: virtual community
last week:
potential futures
how are scenarios being played out on the net? what is most plausible desireable?reading
idea futures web site Marshall Blonsky Computopia materials to be suggested by students assignment:
create a computopia, distopia.
What can you do with this medium?

nick, dom, justin, joan, bob
the final five, may 2 '96, photo by doug block
lead by Justin Hall
at Swarthmore College
Retired: Balthazar Alessandri, Julia Benton, Mike Bernstein, Ethan Holland, Jason Linder, Mariah Peelle, Cooper Richey, Catherine Blanche Rose, Andrew StillmansyllabusTimothy Burke
Joan Hoffmann
Nick Lehmann
Dominic Sagolla
Bob Yang
justin's links by justin hall: contact