Three city blocks of wriggling and dead sea creatures you've never seen before.
Tsukiji is the wholesale fish market in Tokyo. They move over 2,800 tons of fish per day, over 780,000 tons of fish per year. Over 450 species of fish provided.
Tsukiji is an inanimate aquarium, where everything is for sale. Many are bloody, slit open to remove something more valuable or less attractive. In a way, it's better than most aquariums, where depressed fish circle small cages hoping for a handout. The fish here are dead or dying, food or fetish item.
This business runs on sharp knives. I saw men making knives; I saw tremendously long knives.
This place is a sushi slaughterhouse - much less refined than rice paper screens, sake and small servings associated with the seafood delicacy. Here the premiere food of exotic fine dining is drawn and quartered in large bloody slabs.
Seafood seems to stand in contrast to beef and chicken; it's lighter, enlightened somehow. Here, seafood is as bloody and gutted as any other large scale meat operation. Reminded me of the Slakthus. (Both made me think about what it means to eat meat, but neither has made me give it up).
I toured Tsukiji early one Monday morning in April 2001 - you can follow the tour here. Click on a picture to view the next one.
Each of the pictures is displayed at 640x480 - perfect dimensions for your new desktop pattern!
Here's a Full Tsukiji Thumbnail Index
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