Japan: Sex Club Workers from the Ukraine |
I asked her if she spoke english, she did. She was kinda busy swearing at her mobile phone, and at the train - turns out she was running late for an appointment (best to blame a very efficient subway system). She was from the Ukraine, on a visa for a modelling contract. The contract was about to expire next week, meanwhile she'd take up working in a club and she wanted to stay. She didn't want to return to her country. What kind of club? She lowered her eyes at me - a strip club. How old are you? Seventeen. We were at my stop so I had to get off - she agreed to have her picture taken by me. Later, having dinner with Howard's friend Adam, he explained that this kind of thing was common - young women come over on modelling contracts, stay after the contracts expire, and end up working in the Tokyo sex industry. Sigh. Perhaps it beats the Ukraine.
Tokyo subways | Foreigners | Japan | trip | life
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