Good design is about discovering the mind-blowingly obvious and reinventing the commonplace in indisposable ways.
A Circular Pool
The DGI in downtown Copenhagen reinvents the modern swimming pool. Don't swim short laps, turning head over feet to avoid smacking your head - swim graceful circles!
Nearby, a deep pool surrounded by diving platforms.
Climb up two stories and plunge in feet first, or halfway there and dive in deep. Bounce from stairs onto a trampoline into the water. Scamper up a rockclimbing wall towards a diving platform, fail to make it, and fall into the water!
These people are geniuses - why should health clubs be square regimented activity centers? Unleash our inner child for a cross-training workout!
Add a thorough, awesome sauna, and this is the kind of exercise palace that leads me to hope I might some day develop a routine fitness program. Routine would be the worst word tho - the chance to play around diving adds much play to the ordinary repetative workout. Whee!
A small Danish boy looks upon a large immersed man through a wireless water portal.
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