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3 May 2004

USC Interactive Media Application: Justin Hall

Applying for: A Master of Fine Arts in Interactive Media
Cinema-Television Personal Statement
All applicants are required to submit a personal statement. It should reflect the applicant's individuality and explain why he or she would like to study interactive media at USC. The Interactive Media Admission Committee will review this statement as a measure of the applicant's creativity, intelligence, self-awareness, determination and vision. There is no standard format or length for the statement, but it should give the committee a sense of the applicant's long-term goals and artistic ambitions.

Portfolio List
The portfolio list is a record of the applicant's creative material. It should include a concise description of each project, the month and year of completion and the applicant's creative role and the purpose of the project. The material, which does not have to be film- or television-related, should give an idea of the range and depth of applicant's creative ability.

Creative Work Sample
The Creative Work Sample is the one item that represents your best or most relevant work. This work might be computer based or may be film, photo essay, or script or story. We also welcome references to URL's you have contributed to. Please note, your Creative Work Sample will not be returned to you.

Graduate Writing Sample - Category I (Profile)
A two-page character profile of a person, real or fictional, whom you consider to be truly unique. Describe this person in terms of appearance, social background and psychological attitude. What makes the person interesting?
I chose my neighbor in Oakland, Oliver. Read

Graduate Writing Sample - Category III (Media)
A one-page description of an interactive media experience that has inspired you to enter the field. What were the qualities that touched you?
I wrote about Might & Magic VI. Read

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