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10 march, 1996
the storm here is damn near biblical
forty mile an hour winds
didn't make it out to see "JB Walker and the Cheap Whiskey Band"
at the Iron Horse Saloon.
(certainly wasn't going to be any bikers out in this shit)

I had a quiet fish stew family dinner
with my emphatic greek step-sister Stephanie

(George's daughter)
her son Gabe,
her friend Yolan
and her son Lakon.

Yolan is from Grenada
so's her lady's man brother Richie

(oh, he's so handsome, sez Steph)
he's attracted to women with problems,
he'll sleep with you,
help you move,
talk to you about your life
he has many many lady friends
but not so many so good for a long term thing, you know.

I told them about my last two crazy nights

Yolan said all I need is a drum.

then we watched some master storytelling
Huck Finn flick

funny, there's lessons, but no morality
cuz all the learnin' is done by sinners
marvel-ous mixed messages
(I can see why it's banned)

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