17 september
a few notes for the day, things that turned me on:![]()
i'm sitting here next to abbe who i always stay up late geeking out at these digital storytelling festivals with her together. we're like missing some nice people i like drinking in a casual attractive atmosphere because i've got to make a personal website and update bud.com and she hasn't done written the speech she's supposed to give tomorrow.
i like knowing people like that, and then enjoying their speeches.
i think amy, you're kinda like that. did you get any more white electric tape yet?
nathan shedroff gave the opening talk and asked this question:
which is more personal, paul allen's website or most porn stars personal pages (try asia carerra, for example - ethan did). i admired him for making that point up on stage. most people at hoity toity creative computer people don't really acknowledge the deep sexual side of things, often those creators are the most neediest, and so the most extreme and most exemplary of the likely personality behind the diarist genre.
for example, maggy showed off her colors: bedtime stories for big kids, and maybe it was just the ones she picked for the festival (she designed a special front page with no nipple), but the adult content had more to do with spiritual bondage and bodice ripping type physical contact on beaches at night. but it was so beautiful to look at, like something cintematic online. but i was stuck foolish waiting for anything to give me a boner. maybe i'll try some of the other colors on one of these fat g3s they've got here.
maggie testified this, "i have dreams of being a writer"and me and several other affirming types replied, "you are!"
i mean let's not just face modesty here, her site was playboy pick of the dick or something - that's thousands of visitors. so if you think a market for your content makes you a writer, she is. if you think that having a forum to epxress yourself and doing it, and trying moments - a different way to do things, what more makes you a writer?
paper, as it turns out.
she responded with dreams of deadtree canonization.
i think i had the same aspirations before i got into this. but the web thing has become it's own thing. i guess few people aspire to be a "digitizer" because they're aren't any famous romantic dead digitizers to get all mushy about and wish to emulate or at least achieve the same accolades. maybe after a few more cool site of the year awards.it's back to the beautiful too syndrome. maggy doesn't realize that's she's actually a woman who for all intents and purposes appears strong and bold in her self-searching and will probably serve as an exemplar to future young folks seeking to express themselves online. and she only wanted to be a writer.
or maybe there actually is something key to bound books and that permanence, and she, and i, we are meaningless figures in a brief cultural malaise known as "digital storytelling." what really matters is pre-spielburgian writing for people with long attention spans.
i finally found out what that dressing is that i just fucking love gawdammnit at japanese restaurants - "ginger-miso" dressing. when i get back home, me and my baby gonna have some nice greens with giner-miso. un huh.it's like pink and spicy and lite. yes! lite seeming. without weighting you down like ranch. makes iceberg lettuce taste interesting! i'm salivating!
photo by april chan