I bought a Handspring Treo 600 in November 2003, to replace a three year old mobile phone. My first PDA since I stopped using a Palm 1997-1999. Sprint PCS is my carrier.
I've been keeping a mobile lifestyle journal on TheFeature.com, detailing my relationship with this complex machine. In addition, I hang out in the TreoCentral.com message boards; you can see my previous posts here. There is some camraderie for this device; four Treo 600 owners gathered at SXSW.
I draw pictures and write poems with the device, and post them on mobile.links.net. It's a rather nice contemplative activity on a device intended for active productivity.

Occasionally I use the device's camera - you can see some sample shots: T6 gallery.

(Compare that to the J-Phone gallery, for my first mobile phone camera in Japan in 2001.)
I enjoy these useful programs:
- mo:Blog
- mo:Blog allows me to take notes or write poems, and publish them live to this web site from my Treo 600. Bascially, mo:Blog interfaces with Movable Type or Blogger, weblog publishing softwares, so you can scribe on the run. Witness: mobile notes and moku. For some background on the difference between a weblog and a moblog, try this article I wrote for TheFeature.com: From Weblog to Moblog.
- SnapperMail
- I have an IMAP email server; I use Snappermail to check my email on the Treo 600. It took me about eleven months after I got my Treo to be able to easily read email on it, because of the IMAP connection. What a difference!
- PDANet
- When I was using a PC Laptop, I used my Treo 600 as a wireless modem to connect to the internet anywhere I got mobile phone signal. Attached to my Thinkpad via USB, with Sprint PCS, it's faster than a regular modem. I don't pay for WiFi in airports or hotels anymore. Primary drawback? Can't talk and modem at the same time. Ahh well. I can modem from anywhere! And I have - highway reststops, rural islands off the coast of Georgia, planes sitting delayed on runways. It's awesome.
- HandPainterPRO
- Fun drawing and painting program for the Palm OS. I use the program to draw things like this:
I've taken some notes on color correction with Photoshop and Handpainter.
- Pocket Tunes
- Play MP3s on the Treo. And if you register this app, you can play Shoutcast streams - live radio coming in through your device. My favorite use of this is to run NPR news through my Treo as I drive highway 5 between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Here's a list of some Shoutcast feeds I run on my Treo 600. You can load that previous link there into your Treo's web browser and then each of the links to Shoutcast streams should open in PocketTunes.
- Dir Assist
- Screw 411 - this program will take the name of a business or person in a city and search the internet to give you address and phone information. Incredibly useful, and free. (May 2004: the latest version is crashing my device. Waiting for an upgrade.)
- Bart
- BART, the commuter trains for the San Francisco Bay Area, has their own custom-made schedule and map software for the Palm OS (and Pocket PC). Brilliant! Why doesn't the New York MTA have this, for example?
- Pocket Library
- File books you own and books you don't own.
- Hand/RSS
- Auto-download updated RSS feeds - instant news and weblog updates. It's a great idea. But I don't use it. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'd rather read weblogs on the big screen. Otherwise, I'm all about communicating; using mo:Blog and SMSing with friends.
And probably the best link I found for the Treo 600 "Blazer" web browser was this page: PDAPortal.us, a listing of mobile-tailored web sites. When I'm at my computer, I read TreoCentral to keep up with Treo-related news and software development.
PDAPortal lead me to the BBC mobile, which has fantastic updated ad-free world news stories.
Also, let me suggest that Japanese Railway melodies might make good ringtones.