Date: Fri, 02 Feb 1996 23:49:45 -0500 From: To: Subject: comment hello. i was just on your page and i think you should put a really BIG warnig on those "nekkid" photos of yurself. i mean not that u r fugly or anything, well its just that we don't all want to see your tweeter. well thanx. the SHADOW.............................................
n e k k i d

After putting together a few shots, I wanted to do a full fledged nekkid photo session. Put my body where my mouth was.These were taken on the roof of mom and George's apartment building.On newsstands and porno web pages, I ain't seen much healthy nudity. No folks with nothin' to hide, rather they're tryin' to sell you some sexy.
I like hangin' out in my birthday suit sometimes. Ain't nothin' to be 'shamed of, somethin' to be celebrated.
sometimes, seems more honest, appropriate portraiture, tho some folks have a hard time with nakidity. Friend Claire Mooney agreed, we made it happen in August 1995.

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