the slightly evil doorman from 2091 october, 1995
lives on the top of watertower
77 floor overlooking the crashing waves
we are visiting him
didn't know you could afford this
he does a little work for them as well
he was creeping me out
I discover his masturbation rag on his bed, smelly
when I sit to write some stuff down.riding a train with colin
on our way to family reunion
dealing with wads of money
I wanted to split the fare
he made me feel guilty for not paying his share
threw things at me
and I capitulated
on the inside
collected money out of my wallet on the sly
wadded it all up together and stuffed it in my pocket
the driver never again asked for the ticketprice
until we were at the end of the line
and the wad had fallen out of my pocket
we passed by recently burnt out buildings
miles and miles of them
shrouds hanging in the breeze
the unburnt contents hidden by indetectable alarms
block long apartment complexes
you can see inside, no families
there was an uprising after 1700 people had showed up to be licensed to drive
and the state only served 2
time for people to drive unlicensed, I sez.
we pass by a grocery store
lined with poor white trash and minorities by the window
waiting for something
we arrive at our destination,
or just someplace
the train actually enters a townhouse
and drives up the stairs
where the driver explains a little bit about the weirdness
strange mud bits and colour and ritual
in a viewable vacant lot next door
I'm into the apartment
where half naked white ladies swim
in pale mud that thickens around them
this is a movie or something
back on track for the family
mom wants me to babysit
chris's kids
and I'm pissed that I travelled all this way to sit at home
while everyone and nebraska goes out to eat
I'm thinking about my brother
speaking to Sonja Pippen on the phone
she is taking half tabs of acid
(I am staring in a toaster)
she sez as she is sitting with my grandparents
at the golden waffle or somesuch coffee house
and all of a sudden its me
someone's ordered me eggs and ham and pancakes
on a huge white plastic plate
on my right is my grandfather,
to his right grandma
he chastises her for her elbows
she snaps back that she has to eat that way
cameron is waiting in line,
he was contemplating some ham,
I serve him a loaded fork taste of mine.
life |
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