from a personal poetical exploration of
thich nhat hanh's 14 precepts
a personal poetical exploration of
thich nhat hanh's 14 precepts
balance harmonywe often aren't except as we exist in nature swarthmore exists in nature tree lined leaves swept grass green even in december we live among the fruits of the earth as we cultivate the fruits of the mind if the library didn't close at midnight some would never leave pitched temperment of youth focus herein concentrated study I raise my eyes for relief my own balanced life, those of my peers in study, classroom buried in books like interbeing is actually a life-tract how to health mind body soul like the world over each of my babies and parents all my peers we all need ourselves "we all want to be beautiful too"
first: the lion's roar
second: truth is found in life
third: freedom of thought
fourth: awareness of suffering
fifth: living simply
sixth: compassion is understanding
seventh: mindful and joyful living
eighth: harmony in the community
ninth: mindful speech
tenth: standing up to injustice
eleventh: right livelihood
twelfth: protecting life
thirteenth: social justice
fourteenth: three sources of energy
All quotes, unless otherwise noted, exerpted from
Interbeing, by Thich Nhat Hanh, Parallax Press, Berekeley, 1993 The quotes without page numbers hail from the precept in question. I fooled with some of the persons of the pronouns. I recommend you get the book if you care to check, or even if you don't. It's a small book, not hard to read at all, and quite applicable.
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