this morning to read
way of a shamanby michael harner
I was quite sleepy
I masturbated to stay awakenever to culmination
ten minute bursts of concentrationsaving my energy for tonight
tonight I journeyed.
a bit of a burdenI'm $1100 behind owe $1500 for three months by saturday
for web site maintenance fees
I'll scramble for freelance writing work
maybe I'll sell some shit
please help what you can
now I must sleep
for web class
bob's violin pagejulia me
balky's Memories of a Strike or the Bleak Generation
joan, about herself
mariah's autoBe
andrew's life
nick's autobio
dominic yours truly
I meet Howard and Colinfor dinner in New York
next | february '96 | prev
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>