rick on the amtrack to NYworks for domino sugar
went web hunting the company name
found pages by striking workers
I love the internet it's going to be fun
for your generation
but it's going to be hard
big corporate providers for your parents
now everyone is a consultantmodular, replaceable
like computer programs some older guys like to talk a lot
he remembered programmingan early Northstar with 64k memory
either sequential or random access
you had to tell the basic programs
where to put each nodule of data in the memorydefinitely a blast from the past
I often end up on mass transit
talking abouthow much computers used to cost and what they used to do
my walk to colin's officethrough new york
I come upon a traffic accident in times square
hard pushed weed(do I look like a smoker?)
a roller blader trips in trafficand cynical folks are glad
dinner at le colonial
zagat sez "like eating in a ralph lauren advertisement"I concur
in the light of my close 'uns, I see
howard is a great story teller, a people persona warm guy colin is deferential, gently enthusiastic
subtle, reserved
more biosterous with intimacyhe saves his most pointed comments for post dinner
typical scorpiowatching power while holding back
not unfavourable
the love flowed between howard and I
colin watched
colin thinks he's a great guyand he has a lot of love for me
I should treat howard with respect admiration and sincerityhoward and jonathan are both starting businesses
colin works at a venture capital firmmoney passion putting your shit on the line howard asks colin,
is he this contentious with everyone?
they have a hearty chortle
each family's uneasiness with my notetaking if I am learning from folk
howard sez I learned everything louis had to teach me
from that encounter in his office.
my financial plight
howard will still pay meto write more pieces for his web site
a little different than the plight of a provider
when you have employees and you run out of money,
you are screwing them.
next | february '96 | prev
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>