morning comes the sunrise
and I'm driven from my bed
I see that it is empty and damnI starting farting, and I still haven't stopped.
I think it was two slices of pizza, much hummous and jamaican fried fish
tonight I ate a little steak
actually a mission district steak and chicken chimichanga
(not part of a sane diet)
cuz today's New York Times living arts section
advocated protein for a different sort of energyI'm real tired now, and I was real tired when I was done eating maybe I'll have more energy tomorrow
ed, ann's roommate sez I will
I'm staying in sonic's bed cuz she was nice enough
to be home when I called, to go to dinner with me to watch the usual suspects with me
and to sleep with squishy tonighti came to town without a place to sleep
and I have been provided. I talked to this biker bouncer saturday nightpublic transporting from the airport to cyborganichis name was squeak, he saw me in the daytona airport,
"hey internet"he works four days week
in a veteran's bar
the job sucksbut he has plenty time spend with his son I may not leave him a pile o' dough
but he'll know his old man loves him.versus renting a car or taking a super shuttle distances you from folk that's what you pay for I ended up with a strange smelling canadian Sam
reminded me strikingly of an old girlfriend,bright dark small eyes, small lips big eagle beaked hook nose
could I be attractdto a him version of her? he lives off east coast canada
cortez island 800 folks, 10 by 15 mile island
sounds a tempting nature scenario
didn't know they still had those.
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>