oct 16
called colin
we tried george for his birthday
he's 76 tomorrow,
we called him today because tomorrow he'll be on the road for a funeral
for a good friend who baked him some soup he idly requested
he doesn't forget a kindness like that76 and never one night in the hospital
he's got me licked. colin reports that he was asked to marry barbara
his girlfriends grandmothers often seem to do thatand I recall our grandmother, who cuts exs out of old keeper photographs with her children
mom's law school graduation, she's on stage, only a crutch tip remains of rod.
inbound to minds
something satisfying about running for the bus
and making it!
lunch with michael ogdenafter cnn all-politics war room conceptualization and production
patiently agressive
well put together
he's goin' placesvagabond and I and him
go to primo patio cafe
julie of saturday night
art gallery proprietess
is here a waitress
he's applied to work in AOL music
he went to his interview with a list of 20 things they could improve
what a butt kicker
too good for them
they want him to do "top 40" type stuff let's get him out here
maybe addicted to noise?cuz he sings and writes songs and knows media
background in filmmaking
digital interests
good diplomacy potential
and a writer
these well qualified friends of mine
where do they fit in electric minds?
all morning, I hear christian coaching a remote friend to be a worldwide jammer
I can't put that pressure on without further funding,
right? he brought me a tape of famous (and not) artists
first songs
how they introduced themselves to the world
he went to grade school for a few years with my brother
he's been held on to since.
afternoon and evening with electric mindsall this will be a grand experiment.
and marathon infinity
and the palace
I'm a wizard.
I can make changes, but not really
that's for our palace consultants to implement
I want to put in some raunchy props
I dunno, it's different from spacebar
today, the site cohesion that elated me last night
caught on moreso
howard was pumped, even abbe, until other shit fanhit
always some airborne turd around here
I ducked and worked on my web page
but electrically minded my web page
pictures of vagabond jim and abbe
writing about abbe
and realizing about vagabond jim,
if you just read our press releases, you would never hear about him
but he is major glue
and I played games with my male coworkerssurfing for dianne arbus photograph link for abbe don page
ate provided chinese food
talked a lot of shit
listened to the spooncall
and again
christian imitates moviefone man voice
I find a review of the shining by pauline kael
messes with me -
a review of a fuct up flick by an intense mind
great writing. so I ask christian,
is pauline kael still alive?
yes, I believe she's still alive, but too old to write
...she'd be a good dead pool candidate...
thede stayed late with jim and I
working and playing
until 4am jim drops me off, like every night
near 4am. I do the tai chi (qi quong) before bed
the cold damp is colder and damper these days
I have to tilt the brown blinds up
to keep the midday sun from waking my vampire self.
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>