damn tiredinvoluntary napping
and this coldgot me day-glo green comin' out my nose
scannin' take such a long time
spring break film exposed
relentlessly blurrycuz I was using 400 asa? the critical shots turned out
chalk the rest up to art.
I brought five colours thick permanent markersreadying for bediyingto the dining hall here
wilson and friends decorate lunch traysrya and I haven't been connecting
absence of talk is dis-easebut fifteen minutes yeilds familiar pheromones love sex need hate
jeez, two am
balthazar told me to take care of myself
but flow supreme
two am visitor
acknowledging mutual attraction
she finds me entertainingme, her intruiguing her eyes dart a little fast and still reticent I hate the smell of cigarettes.
I told colin
I wasn't sure if sexualizing would screw things uphe sez I need empirical evidence. mysterious types lose their edge
when you can smell their funk. four am, the intrigue continues
with her unpredicted leavingperhaps
draining when I contemplate the day ahead;7.30 so I can shower before web class
Yvonne and Tim visiting educatorsin the evening
I'm presenting personal publishing visionto Dave Steuer's electronic media class professional publishing types in New York.
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>