I've got a headacherare, hateful
I think it's the sinsin dehydrates
like coffee, likker, rich food,new york.
today I heard
there's such a thing as the digital mafia
the same people that brought you San Franciscothe hippy city with the highest rents
"counter culture" the "new age"
giving acid to freaks for mind control
thirty years latertune in, turn on, jack off. I mention burroughs said something like
tell the truth hide nothing they can't get you
yeah, Burroughs admitted he was
a queer junkie intelligence agent why do people forget the last part? read a bio on him - he tried out for the OSS. typical conspiracy,
everyone's involved.
then the pieces start
database geeks like lsd
Barlow's down with boththe Dead and Gingrich... but my faith rests
in a world too disorganized
to carry off anything that elaboratebesides, there's so many competing visions
home to swat,as promised,
I spent my time in NY
in my bro's apt
freelancing internetcritique and introduction dinner again with Howard
and Molly
the first employeeof brainstorms.
web class first thing next morn.
next | february '96 | prev
justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>