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4 march, 1996
How exciting!
after 714 dollars donations
since November,
I might be able to live by my ideals
one day without the support of my mom,
only the support of you folks.

(some were skeptical.)

I don't say readers
cuz today in shamanism class
we spoke of new paradigms
where instead of making
myself the speaker, and you the listener
I acknowledge conversation, dialogue
subject-subject relations
(less distance, more fun!

at least with word choice,

if I haven't responded to your e-mail.

I had a vision for the net today
I think in line with the web's founders
everypage allows for external annotations
the ever expanding web

so show me all the pages

justin surfed yesterday
and ranked 7 or above
or kid-safe
or wrote more than 25 words about

discussion built in to the internet at large
simply surfing is commentary

no one is a spectator

as it is,

I get far more mail than I ever respond to

don't tell me your story,
make a web page
tell the world
send me the URL!
me right now I'm
talking while working
on the phone with Julia
like middle school

late night, I

want to go to bed
finish my fascinating reading
Land of Desire, by William Leach
turn of the century
creation of consumer culture
he thinks the big money made us greedy
against our will

patience so rewarded;
julia's finally puttin' some pikchurs up on her site.

post protest
I went to the student council holds prez al bloom accountable
session in broad pink walled public space
more than fourty showed
many older folks of some responsibility

I was astonished by the conciliation of the stu cou

extending courtesy and deference to administrators
(not like my administration
like flow, no?

after hearing students asking for accessable information

complaining of poor institutional memory
use the internet, I said
it's a natural
they chuckle
I'm a one line guy

two hours later
student council e-mail arrives
they want to set up a web page.

web class,
folks made art:
Nick's gal
Bob's anime gallery
Mariah's 'dess
Dom's Gallery
Joan's Colouring

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justin hall | <justin at bud dot com>